• 1-508-944-3104 || Pembroke, MA
  • rob@rbfit.com

Tag Archive WOD

Fitter, Faster, Necessity

How would YOU become fitter quickly/er?

By condensing your workouts with intensity and increasing volume.

This is a method I’ve used for years to get ahead and rank as an athlete in multiple sports despite never training sport-specific for said sports.

It’s the same method we used with Adam at our studio to catapult him within months to one of the top SPARTAN racers in the world.
Of course, the effort put forth is up to you!

You can either produce a greater volume within the same time frame by using the same weight as your last workout, though increasing the reps, the sets and attempting to finish within the same time limit: think Belley Bursts or popularized Crossfit WODs.

Or you can increase the weight, keep the reps constant and add sets, with a slight allowance for increased time.


Either way, added volume each session is an easy approach to increasing your fitness level.
KEYPOINT: Always execute proper form and allow for deload/unload sessions every few weeks. This will keep you from burning out and help your results continue.


Belley Fitness is currently located in Marshfield, Massachusetts.

Offering Obstacle Course Training, Personal Training, Group Training, Athlete Training.