• 1-508-944-3104 || Pembroke, MA
  • rob@rbfit.com

Tag Archive Bible

Nutritional Guidelines

My body is the shape I live in,
and it shapes the way I live.

  1. No-Nos
    No Salt
    No Sugar
    No Caffeine
    No Oil, use very sparingly
    No Preservatives
  2. Protein
    Yes: Chicken and Turkey
    Yes: Fish
    Yes: Veal
    Yes: Red Meat, sometimes
    Eggs can be hard to digest for some
    4 oz each time
  3. Vegetables
    Yes: Green Vegetables
    Preferably Steamed
    If combined with a green vegetable and not a protein
    Yes: Root Vegetables
  4. Salads
    Yes: Romaine
    Yes: Boston Bibb Lettuce
    Eat Salad after the main course
  5. Fruits
    Cooked easier to digest
    Avoid Canned
    Dilute Fruit Juices with Water
  6. Whole Grains
    Wheat is sometimes a problem for people
    Eat Oatmeal/Cooked Grain
    Bread keep to a minimum
    Avoid fresh dough from the oven
  7. Dairy Products
    Yes: Milk, Cheese, Butter, Yogurt
    Hard non-processed cheese is usually easier to digest than soft cheese spreads
  8. Cooking Methods
    Yes: Steamed
    Yes: Broiled
    Yes: Grilled
    Yes: Poached
    No: Fried, Sautéed, Sauced
  9. Drinking:
    Yes: Water
    Yes: Fresh Fruit Juices
    Occasionally: Wine – diluted half and half with water

All of the above I took from pages 238-240 of The Raquel Welch Total Beauty And Fitness Program.

The decade of the 1970's "Most Desired Woman" according to Playboy Magazine

Funny how this book was published in 1984 many of the guide above are still promoted today…

nearly 30 years later.


I still have an original copy of this book.


I may not fully support the entire guideline above in The Belley Bible, however, I do agree with 90% of the above guide.


Leading my life to help you live the dream,

