• 1-508-944-3104 || Pembroke, MA
  • rob@rbfit.com

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Inception of Fitness

Hello, my name is Rob.
Hi. I Like Push-Ups
Hi I Like Push-Ups

My name tag is the brilliance and sweat of a small town American housewife’s (“Maryellen”, played by Penelope Cruz) struggle to teach her child the fundamental blocks of appropriate spelling. It’s a heart-warming story given two thumbs up by my kindergarten teacher Mrs. McIntosh – formerly of the Central Elementary School – in East Bridgewater, Massachusetts. 

If you’re looking for the theatrical release it’s still in pre-production. My character is fleshed to life by Edward Norton; American History X physique with Fight Club mental edge. As soon as it becomes available in RedBox’s I’ll let you know.

Of course this isn’t true. I’d probably be played by Christopher Mintz-Plasse “McLovin” character. As you can tell from this video clip the boy is starving for work.

 Mclovin PSA Snapshot Click to Laugh

So from time to time, possibly bi-weekly (who isn’t these days), I’ll be providing you with fitness inceptions and insights.

Maybe you’ll discover a cool adventure race in the greater Boston area you’d like to test yourself within.

Perhaps foods that will help improve your performance: take that any way you wish.

Or maybe you’ll discover something to chuckle and break up your day’s stress.

This is hopefully as much informative as accessible. And if it’s not fun, it may not be worth reading. But that’s for you to decide.

So I hope you enjoy this blog ________. And until I learn your name it’s staying blank.

Live the dream.

Rob Belley

*FAN us on Facebook, at http://www.facebook.com/pages/Marshfield-MA/Robert-Belley-Fitness-Marshfields-Funnest-Fat-Loss-Beach-Body-Studio/174797574837

It’s the most amount of fun you can have while you’re glutes ache

This may hurt…

Chubby, Fat, Obese, Hefty, Overweight, Gross, Slow, Exhausted, Disgusting, Tired, Huge, Big, Enormous, Look Pregnant, etc.

These are REAL words from REAL people that I’ve heard on a consistent basis for the better part of 15 years… my fitness career. And if I think back harder I can recall moments when I heard my mother and her friends and Oprah and the media using them too.

So many people suffer from being overweight.

So many people have self-created, most often unintentionally, positions in life where they feel stuck or cornered.

I know a lot of people who feel TRAPT within their own body.

Are you one of those people?

Do you feel satisfied with yourself?

If you haven’t changed your behaviors to feel fitter or to feel like you should, like you again, then you most likely will have the hardest time in the world the longer you put this off.

Too many people with too many “I WISH” or “I’d LOVE TO” are in this world.

Not enough people who can say “I DID” and “I AM” are.

Which category do you fall into to?

One small choice.

Just one small choice.

What do you want to do?

All day I’m confided in by people who wish to lose weight/fat. Monday thru Sunday.

Whether I’m at the bank, the beach, the gym, a friend’s, a party, dinner, emails, editors, grocery shopping, EVERY WHERE.

It’s common. I get a bit of exposure in these parts so people know what I do for a passion.

And every time my answer is exactly the same,

“You can’t train your way through nutrition, and abs are made in the kitchen”

Then of course the response,

“Well what diet or foods work best?”

I say,

“Either the one you’re not on or, to make this simple, the eating diet”

Now Imagine the confusion and curiosity on their faces.

“What’s that?” “Is it low carb? Or organic?”


“It’s a simple equation. It takes consistency and dedication, but the results are amazing, you’ll easily lose 4 or more pounds in a week and probably a size or two the first two weeks. Guaranteed.”

Astonished Public,

“OH MY GOD! Can you give it to me?”

Lean, Fit and Expert National Fitness Pro (me),

“Yeah, just stop drinking alcohol, Starbucks, Dunkin Donuts, Soda, Energy Drinks, Gatorade and eat Apples, Broccoli, Natural Proteins, like steak, chicken, lamb, fish, and have peanut butter, almonds, cottage cheese, yogurt, eggs, milk, butter, coconut milk, some other stuff, and lots of veggies and fruits. And DON’T eat anything from a box. Nothing processed. No deli meats, no mac n’cheese ,no oreo’s, no juice, no enriched anything.”

Disappointed Public,

“Are you kidding me?”


“Do it and I guarantee you’ll lose a half a pound maybe a pound a day so long as you train with weights 2-3 days a week no more than 20-30 minutes at a time and do absolutely no cardio except maybe 15 minutes twice a week. And not on an elliptical or treadmill or StairMaster or bike.”


“I don’t know, I don’t think I could do that.” “Is there any workouts I could do instead that will get me the same results? Maybe running, cardio kickboxing, body pump, yoga, boot camp or spinning?”

“Don’t say ‘I can’t’. You can. It’s easy.” “Once you start, and see the results, you’ll be pissed off at yourself if you cheat even once. It’s addictive. All you’re doing is swapping one habit for another.”

Now this is a typical conversation, day to day, about 3 or more times a day.

It’s amazing how much people, even after talking to someone who is living-breathing-proof that it works, who also writes for national magazines & owns his own fitness service, will not believe or think there is an easier way out.

Truth is, there is no easy way out (ignore the Rocky IV soundtrack similarity).

It’s hard work.

The formula is easy. Hell its elementary.

But the human element gets in the way.

I can not begin to elaborate on how simple the equation is because every time someone walks away telling me they’ll start something Monday, or next week, or when the kids go back to school, or when their job changes, or when the Red Sox win the next world series (09′) I lose nearly a thousand brain cells from the disbelief that people aren’t willing to sacrifice a tiny bit of junk food and trash for an amazing life.

I’m always shocked.

Me, every day is Christmas. Every day is the fourth of July. Life is amazing.
It could be bad and it does have its moments of suck and lame but overall I make choices and those choices produce results. Whether this way or that way. I control that.

You control you.

We’re lucky in that.

So how bout yourself?

What are you waiting for?

Because the equation is above. With the information I’ve just given you you’ll never, EVER have to buy another fitness magazine, DVD, gym membership or anything ever again to be lean. And by reading through the workouts posted on this blog you’ll be set for a good year.

So you have the answers.

But are you going to use the Truth?

Or are you going to look for another Excuse?

Truth brings AMAZING results, happiness, love, friendships, trust, romance, self-esteem, strength, knowledge and more than you can imagine.

Excuses bring depression, pain, bitterness, jealousy, envy, attitude, pessimism, anger, insecurity, low self-esteem, etc…

So what do you want to do?

Think about it,

Then immediately start.

To helping you achieve success,

Rob Belley

How to Gain 6 POUNDS in 45 Minutes!!!!!!

Wednesday at one of my FAVORITE Boston Annuals “The Jimmy Fund Scooper Bowl” I devoured 29 half-cup servings of Ice Cream provided by Haagen Dazs, Ben & Jerry’s, Cold Stone Creamery, Breyer’s, Edy’s, Giffords, Hood, Delati Gelati, Elan Frozen Yogurt and more…

All in all:
*Over 6 POUNDS of Ice Cream
*4,850 Calories
*Just 45 Minutes

How my abs look Thursday morning after breakfast….

Mind you, follow this brilliant time-line:

Tuesday Night 8:00pm
**Ate an entire half-gallon of ice cream

Tuesday Night 10:00pm
**Ate an entire Cheese Pizza from Pembroke House of Pizza while watching the Celtics-Lakers after Hells Kitchen

Wednesday Morning 8:30am
**Ate half a steak

Wednesday Afternoon 12:00pm
**Ate 6 POUNDS of Ice Cream at SCOOPER BOWL

Wednesday Evening 5:00pm
**Ate Half a Large Pizza from Pizzeria Rico in Boston’s Downtown Crossing

Wednesday Night 9:00pm
**Ate some Mexican Wraps

Wednesday Night 10:30pm
**Ate Peanut Butter and Jelly

Thursday Morning 7:45am
**Ate 3 Whole eggs and 5 slices of Bacon

And this is still how my stomach looked. Only worked out twice in three days.

Not too shabby….

Point being…

Train consistently, eat healthy most of the week, and keep active.

And hopefully I won’t develop the Diabetes from the Jimmy Fund. LOL!

My kind of Girl!

Thank You