• 1-508-944-3104 || Pembroke, MA
  • rob@rbfit.com

Category Archive rob belley

You Will Not Change without MOTIVATION

I’ve heard more times than you can imagine,

‘I want to lose weight’

‘I want to feel healthy’

‘I want to be happier’

That’s awesome. But why?

People who give me this answer very rarely discover their true potential or unlock their innerself.

It’s easy to want. It’s even eaiser to be vague. Who enjoys getting emotional anyway? When was the last time you cried? I know this sounds crazy but when was the last time you were so fed up with something so meanginful in your life that you literally broke down and cried?

I bet after you picked yourself back up you discovered something about yourself. Maybe you were stronger than you thought previously.
Maybe you became a better parent afterwards.
Maybe you began treating your lover better.
Maybe you started working a little harder and earned yourself a raise which resulted in the family or house you have today.

I’m not trying to be mean but you have to feel something inside of you to LITERALLY CHANGE.

I can’t do it for you. I can help you cry 😉 but I can’t stand over your shoulder checking out your move, every meal, every rep and make sure you’re adhering and living up to your responsibility with your fat loss program.

If I did I guarantee you’d find crazy success as they do in the Biggest Loser tv show. But that is not the real world. Not for 98% of us. Heck I have to watch over my own shoulder every second of the day.

You think just because I’m a fitness professional that I wouldn’t rather grab my inner circle of family and friends, a towel, some alcohol, steaks and firewood and head to the beach and hang out all day partying? I’m 29. I love the beach. I love the people in my life. I love the sun.

But that’s not the real world Peter Pan. I have to adhere just like each and every one of you. But with the added pressure that if I don’t have a six-pack, excellent strength, athletic ability and an open-mind that no matter what age I’ll just be seen as a guy who knows something about fitness. I have to be my best to stay at the level I’ve achieved and to continue accelerating in my industry and field. I’ll fight to the bone to hold onto my accomplishments. I achieved them.

Are you doing all you can to accomplish your goals?

What have you eaten today?
Was a muffin, donut, ice cream, sub, fast food salad or candy mixed in?
Be honest.

How often have you trained today?
Did you go for a walk and consider that your cardio? If you think walking fast/power walking/slow jogging is going to give you REAL fat loss I’ve got a storage bin full of Beta and VHS tapes I’d like to sell you!

And only the good stuff ‘Buns of Steel’ ‘Richard Simmons’ and every video that comes with a stupid-ass Ab product. PLEASE DO NOT BUY ANYTHING OFF THOSE INFOMERCIALS.

Save your money, do some jump squats, eat some broccoli and apples, sprint in your backyard. It may cost you your time and $1 a day but it’ll give you guaranteed results. Those people don’t lose weight doing crunches. Why is our nation so naive??

So what have you really done and where do you want to go?

You want to lose 10% bodyfat in the next 12 weeks.
That sounds precise to me. Much more attainbale than ‘I want to lose weight’.

You want to fit in a size 4 bikini by August for a wedding that you’re going away for or your vacation to Florida or Myrtle Beach?

You want to compete in a triathlon coming up in August and need to improve your swimming stamina through leg, core and external rotator strength the next 9 weeks. Sounds better than ‘I want to be healthier’.

See what I mean.

Find something that means something to you and turn that fire into YOUR MOTIVATION.

I promise, once you discover your INNER motivator/motivation, your success will skyrocket like a bazooka blasting out a missile of physical, spiritual, meditational and therapeutic wealth.

But you have to discover WHY first.

Then take action.

Simple formula.

But are you dedicated to your mission???

How bad do you truly want it?

Rob Belley

Robert Belley Fitness
Pembroke fitness
Marshfield fitness
Duxbury fitness

Sunday Ice Cream Match the 1st!! Happy Mothers Day!!

BLOG DISCLAIMER :: Only one Entire Tub of Edy’s Yogurt Blend Chocolate Fudge Brownie and a 1/4th of Light Double Fudge Brownie was harmed during this test. Yes an entire tub and more. No lie. But hey, it’s not like I slugged the cow or anything to get this stuff 😉

HAPPY MOTHERS DAY! To all the beautiful mothers out there reading this blog. And thank you for your continued support.

Alright! Let’s get ready to Roll!!!

I’m human. No lie. And being human I like to have foods that are not entirely good for me. I won’t lie to you. I may be 29 but my two favorite foods are still Cheese Pizza and Ice Cream.

“Hi my name is Rob Belley. I’m an Ice Cream addict”

Trying being a fitness professional and magazine Advisory Board member who has to stay in beach body shape year-round and keeping your favorite foods from showing on your belly.

I don’t.

But I do stay in beach body shape 😉

I eat roughly a gallon of ice cream and one or two 10″ inch cheese pizzas weekly!

2nd Disclaimer: But I adhere to my meal plan about 90% of the time.

Do you? At the bottom of this post is a pic of my midsection for proof that you can still enjoy your favorite foods and have a life 😉

So this week we’ll start with two flavors that are affordable on the wallet and pretty good on calorie count. I’m matching up two Edy’s flavors (Dreyer’s if you live on the west coast).

Yogurt Blend Chocolate Fudge Brownie &
1/2 the fat Light Double Fudge Brownie

They match up well in labels. Both are 120 calories per 1/2 cup, about 4 grams of fat, 20 grams of carbs (14 from sugar) and 3 grams of protein. Of course the yogurt blend is 4% higher in Calcium but we’re not having this for our bones 😉

I feel the yogurt blend is a bit sweeter and fluffier in texture than the light ice cream. I prefer the light ice cream honestly.

For me, ice cream has to have a certain density on my palate. I like it to last. If I want something cold, and light I’ll drink a milkshake ya know.

So it’s in my opinion that if you’re going to splurge….go with the Edy’s light ice cream chocolate brownie flavor.

I think it’ll fill you better and the tatse will resemble ice cream more.

Of course Edy’s can’t touch super premium ice creams like Hagan Dazs. But that’s a future battle.

And just in case you don’t believe me, here’s a picture of my abs from mid april.

If I’m not tan, you know these aren’t from May or summer here by the beach in the South Shore/Cape Cod of Massachusetts

Rob Belley

Dieter’s Craze!

I’ll be honest. When most people I consult or train tell me they eat healthy, I figure they’re eating about 75% clean.

Nearly not enough to truly impact their fat loss results.

In fact, when others tell me they are eating clean and they’re still having a difficult time dropping weight, I know they are either (a) drinking far too much or eating too much fast/processed foods on the weekends, (b) overeating – even healthy overeating is still overeating – or (c) not consuming enough veggies.

You’d be literally AMAZED what 5-6 servings of vegetables will do for your waistline and padded area’s.

I’m no saint myself. I love to have a good time come Friday. However, I lock down on Monday and Tuesday and reverse the weekend with solid powerhouse nutritional foods and plenty of water.

I don’t take any fat loss supplements.

I’m not on lipozene, Alli, hydroxycut, hoodia, CLA, slimquick, detox pills, diet pills or any ephedra containing supplements.

Hell I don’t even have caffeine in my diet. Other than the very, very occasional green tea (maybe once a month) and barely soda on the weekends.

But I’m athletic and lean.

You want to know the best fat-burner out there?

Vegetables and watching how much you eat.

If you know you’re only given 1,500 calories a day EAT only 1,500 calories a day.

If you go too far under you’ll retain fat as the body will do its best to keep fat on as a survival mechanism.

If you go over then you’ll just add fat as the body loves to be so.

There is no miracle cure for this other than consistency.

Your WILL POWER is your greatest FAT LOSS advantage.

So next time you find yourself reaching for a candy bar or the take-out menu quickly eat an apple and cup of uncooked broccoli. I promise you’ll thank me for it in your next Myspace Profile pic 😉

Looking out for you,

Rob Belley

"Where’s my Cupcake Patch?" – Melodies from a bathing suit Fitting Room

It’s summer. Summer means small bikini’s and cool swim trunks.

It also means jeans and champion sweatshirts if you haven’t been planning your fat loss program accordingly or haven’t even begun it!

I’m sorry to inform you all, but there is no Cupcake Patch. Smokers have it easy huh?

Instead, the rest of us food-addicts and choco-holics have to pay close to attention to what we’re putting in our mouths. For some it’ll be eaiser than others.

But none the less, if you’re eating M&M’s and Steak and Cheese subs and washing it all down with Coca-Cola daily guess what?

You most likely are going to look and feel the same as you did yesterday if not worse. Just with an extra 5 or 10 pounds.

If you eat salmon, apples, oranges, asparagus, baby spinach, steak and chicken you’re only going to deliver positive results. So promising that you’ll accelerate your fat loss mission. I promise. Especially if you couple it with some activity.

Summer is only a few months. We wait all year for this brief opportunity to get outside, rediscover our community and feel the sun.

Are you gonna cover all up in your best Fall or spring jacket and favorite winter jeans?

Or are you going to get yourself some natural vitamin D and enjoy the warmth summer has to offer?

I know my clients and myself have been training since January for our beach bodies.

Have you?

PS – Thanks to one of my clients Eileen for the Cupcake Patch reference 😉 I love it.

Got questions? Email me, Rob Belley at Rob@RBfit.com

Fantastic 4 minute Fat-Burning Workout

This morning I’m going to share with you a couple of my favorite 4 minute workouts.

These work great when you’re in a pinch for fitness and only have your bodyweight for fitness.

The idea to these workouts (Tabata Intervals) is that you will exercise for 20 seconds, rest 10 seconds then repeat for a total of 4 or more minutes. I’ll provide you with two different exercises. You can either:

a) Perform a single exercise for the total of 4 minutes before moving onto the next
b) Perform the interval for 8 minutes alternating between exercises.

Your choice. But If I were you I’d alternate.

Here they are:
Total Body Counters (Burpees)

T Push-Ups

Remember to keep the abs engaged the whole time (tight-solid) and to breathe out each time you exert force. If you need to modify the T-Push Up then push-up using your knees on the ground then move to the full extension plank prior to rolling into the “T”.

With the TBC when you squat down always begin by moving the hips back first, bend at the knees second and keep your back flat the entire time as Jessica is doing above. No ROUNDING.

Good luck and let me know if you have any questions and how you’re progressing with this at Rob@RBfit.com

Rob Belley

(fitness model Jessica C.)


For those of you looking to give to a charity this winter I have a fun one for ya.

Not that I’m trying to take you away from the support a family, toys for children or food for those less fortunate organizations. I’m all for them.

But this one is a fun way to still give to a great cause while having a blast and workout in the process!! This event sposonsors the Women’s Lunch Place. Where homeless and less fortunate women can go for shelter and food in times of need.

If you want to see fun: check this out:

That looks fun!!

This event is taking place this Saturday, December 15th, 2007 in South Boston!!

And here’s a great idea in case you need a little poking or motivation:

I call it the Speedo Treking Santa Office Extravaganza!!!!

You should all submit one member from the office by some kind of challenging game or pass the time office event.

Who ever finishes last or in the bottom 3 has to participate in the Santa Speedo Run!

All the proceeds of the office challenge could go to the charity bundle associated with the speedo treking office santa : )

Very cool idea?

Plan for it next year too!!

Makes for good stories around the office cooler…or at the christmas party…and especially when looking for a raise and the fact that you stuck yourself out there for the team..literally.

Take care and happy holidays!!

Rob Belley

PS- I know a Speedo may not be for everyone, and I know you wouldn’t want to see me in one, but it’ll help a great deal of less foruntate women this winter during the cold and harsh wintery conditions. Especially with storm alerts approaching.

So what’s a speedo?

Dynamic Stretching Part 1

~ as article appears in CNC Publications ~

For years athletes from a variety of sports have suffered strenuous muscle cramps, debilitating injuries and annoying inflexibility. It’s never a matter of “IF” you’ll suffer from the above mentioned in your athletic career but the reality of “WHEN” it’ll happen. No mater how amazing your current warm-ups are at some point you’ll either over-train, under-train or just not be hydrated enough to sustain the amount of demand required for complete mobility and flexibility for a given movement or exercise.

The human body is amazing in that it tries to constantly prevent injury. It will only allow a muscle group to develop so long as it doesn’t place the opposing muscles in the length-tension relationship in harms way. Sure it’s not a perfect system, and we do still incur injury, but for the most part we’re fortunate in that we are instilled with this internal protective mechanism.

So how can you help your body in the fight against tight and bounded muscles? Easy, begin a stretching program focused around your personal goals as a youth athlete. Author’s note: you don’t have to be a youth athlete to benefit from this information. Whether you’re an adult, fitness or non-fitness enthusiast or alive and breathing this information will greatly enhance your life!

People tend to forget that even if they’re not currently including fitness in their lifestyle they still benefit tremendously from stretching. The body still gets tight, still suffers injury and still needs to be adequately hydrated whether or not participating in sport and recreation. And unless you’re competing in regular sport, sport beverages really aren’t necessary; water is perfect.

Now the following stretches are something we in the “industry” refer to as ‘dynamic’ stretching. It yields all the amazing benefits of traditional ‘static’ stretching only it better prepares you for sport and training ahead! I’m going to walk you through a quick dynamic stretching sequence for your ankles and hamstrings. Next installment we’ll focus on the calves, quads and hips.

Beginning with the ankles, we’re going to open up the ankle complex with this exercise. With your feet two-to-three inches apart, toes pointed forward, knees slightly bent, hands placed just above knees, perform a circular motion with the path of your knees while leaving both feet firmly in contact with the floor. Do not let your heels or toes come off the ground. Perform seven circles to the left then seven circles to the right.

The next exercise will help loosing up those hamstrings. Standing upright, lift your right leg about an inch or so off the ground by balancing onto your left leg. Begin, swinging your right leg from front to back in a straight path while making sure your toes constantly point in a forward movement. Try not to reach too far back but really accentuate the swing upward. Do not let the knees bend of either leg. You should feel a really good stretch from the back of your thigh to the lower portion of your glute and outside of your hip. Repeat with the left leg.

Right now you have two new exercises to learn and add to your current routine. If you have any questions about either exercise or would like pictures that illustrate these movements feel free to send me an email. Happy training!

Vote for Robert Belley Fitness!!

First, I would like to thank you all for your continued support of Robert Belley Fitness. It means dearly to us and we wouldn’t have achieved our success without YOU.

Second, would you do us a huge, HUGE favor and VOTE FOR US over at South Shore Living magazine’s website, http://www.ssliving.com/ in the 2008 Best of the South Shore (B.O.S.S.)!!

The great thing is you don’t have to vote for every category or line.

Just the ONE line where we would be nominated Simply log onto http://www.ssliving.com/ by clicking there or HERE, then look to the left hand side of the screen and you’ll see an image for the 2008 BOSS Awards. Click on it and you’ll be redirected to the survey ballot.

On page 5 of the survey, titled “FITNESS”, go to question 66 “Fitness Center/Gym”.

In the blank space provided type in, or copy and paste from here: Robert Belley Fitness.

It would be so appreciated and we would certainly be grateful for YOUR VOTE : )

Also, if you could forward this to friends and family whom could also do us the favor that would be fantastic. This is a truthful voting process. Only one vote per computer can be made and that’s the way we like it.


So here it is again.

Step 1: Go over to http://www.ssliving.com/
Step 2: Click on the image on the left hand side of the page titled 2008 South Shore Living BOSS Awards
Step 3: Click “Next” till you get to page 5 “FITNESS”
Step 4: Go down to question #66, “Health Club/Gym”
Step 5: Type “Robert Belley Fitness” in the space to the right of question 66
Step 6: Click “DONE” when you have finished entering our company name.

Thank you again so much for helping us out, after all our business continues to grow by way of referrals from our clients, friends and family. Thank you for recommending us.


Rob Belley

212 degrees – The Extra Degree

If you haven’t seen this yet it follows in the vein of ‘The Secret’ as an inspirational and motivational movie.

It truly is amazing how much more can be achieved with the slightest added effort.

Give it a watch.

Then hit the gym or break for the street to begin your daily fitness training.

Today, I have a date with training at the Pembroke facility.

I can’t wait!

~Rob Belley