• 1-508-944-3104 || Pembroke, MA
  • rob@rbfit.com

Category Archive rob belley

Rob Belley Commits to NEVER AGAIN

This is funny if ya know me.

Because I said Never Again!

On Monday I went into South Boston to meet my buddy Mike so we could hit up the Red Sox game that night. Well, when I got to Tanya’s apartment we caught up on her fitness.

Turns out she’s signed up for the Marine Corp Marathon in Washington D.C. on October 31st, 2010.

She wasn’t sure if she was actually going to run in it though. So I said “if you do I’ll do it with too.”

Turns out, registration is closed, and running bandit in that Marathon is tough due to security.

So, after telling Kara MacCarthy, Dan Newcomb, Billy Altieri, Jessica Nathan and Angela Griffith that I was doing D.C. and it didn’t work out, I quickly searched for an alternate Marathon.

Saved about 1,000 miles, 19 hours and $350
Plus I’ll be able to go Trick or Treating with these munchkins still 😉

I’m pretty fitness thrifty 😉

So I’ll be officially registered in the 2010 Cape Cod Marathon in Falmouth

Funny thing is, I hate running.

With a passion.

A severe passion.

But I think it will be good for everyone at the studio to see their trainer kick his own ass again and lead by example. Plus it throws out there the “if I’m gonna do something I hate, you can clear the excuses and do anything clause” LOL

So I haven’t ran more than 8 miles since July 30th. Means I need to add 18 miles quick ha ha.

W: 09/08 13 miles
W: 09/15 15 miles
W: 09/22 17 miles
W: 09/29 19 miles
W: 10/06 17 miles
W: 10/13 21 miles
W: 10/19 13 miles
W: 10/26 13 miles
S: 10/31 26.2 miles

That’s one run a week until the marathon. Fun eh? Ha ha

Just as I pretty much handled the Boston Marathon in 2009

So wish me luck!!!

And Live the Dream…


Rob Belley BSc, CPT, YCS, YFS 2 Mommy Fat Loss Expert Maximum Fitness magazine Fitness Advisory Board Member Belley Fitness TV, Host

Robert Belléy Fitness
Fat Loss Line: 1.508.944.3104

Semi-Private Training Group Personal Training Burn Boot Camp Youth Athlete Enhancement

Readers Choice Award, Voted Best Weight Loss Service Marshfield Studio – 1775 Ocean St. (Town Center) 02050

Steroids…A Bodybuilding TRUTH

This is a deleted scene from a movie that came out not to long ago, “Bigger, Stronger, Faster”.

Pretty interesting flick that I suggest any and all guys and gals who lift for aesthetic purposes chek out. Especially young kids, in the presence of reputable professionals with a view and discussion afterwards. It’s important for people to know the truth.

Girls, LISTEN to the last minute especially to hear the words from a young former female bodybuilder and what’s fake on their physiques…its not just breasts.

Check this out,

Take this with a grain of salt, your supplement is bogus.

This is what “Supplement” models who look like action figures actually use.

So don’t worry guys, it’s not that you can’t have an amzing body, but, to look like that, you’d have to risk too much for my taste.

Rob Belley

What You Can Learn from the Olympics

WOW! What another great Olympic games!

I’ve been loving every second of it. And normally I don’t watch these games but this year I’ve been glued every night. They are tremendously THE GREATEST athletes alive. No doubt.

But what makes them great?

Genetics first and foremost.

Not just any one can be an Olympic athlete. It’s an amazing blend of physiological factors tuned with progressive training that will make an Olympian an Olympian.

Kind of like kids. Every parent seems to think their child has a shot at the majors or pro ball but in reality the child at best barely has a chance of playing Division 3 football, baseball or basketball in College.

Travel teams, Extra Leagues and the rest are just ridiculous and a waste of time. Kids will learn just fine by sticking to town leagues. Besides, if a child is competing in a sport year round or even more than 3 months consistently they most certainly will be FAR MORE harm than good.

Adults barely can handle that kind of stress on the joints yet alone a growing child.

But anyway, that’s an entire other post and book I’m working on right now….so we’ll leave that one alone.

So take home points of how the Olympics can help you and me:

1. Set a deadline and stick to it! They rise to the occasion because they are willing a response by a certain date. Deadlines always work! And if you don’t think so, think about society and how we always live by deadlines. You always pay the mortgage or rent on the 2nd or 1st right?

2. Train intelligently. Set up a program and stick to it. Most people wing this one and it’s ridiculous. Unless you have a guide and measure to see if things are working you’ll end up wasting time and most likely dropping fitness all together. These Athletes have amazing programs set in place. Each workout leads into the next, thus yielding the response they want.

So if you’re training for fat loss, each week the weights you’re handling should increase, or the length of the set, or the reps should alter… something should always be increasing.

3. Eat for your needs. Too many people wing this too. Michael Phelps east between 8,000-10,000 calories a day to maintain his body weight. If any of us did that we’d gain 30-40 pounds in a year. But swimming 5 hours a day plus his training yields a greater need for more calories.

So if you’re an office worker or homemaker and you hit the gym only 2-3 times a week eat for your needs. You’re probably somewhere between 1,250-1,800 calories a day to maintain or reshape your figure. But don’t go less than 1,250. Even if you’re trying to lose weight.

4. Because I thought a 4th point would be fun. Teamwork is key. Notice Walsh and May tearing up the beach volleyball pool? These girls are awesome!! 104 straight victories?!?!?! That’s amazing. But after every play, even when they are scored on they slap hands or pat each other to say “hey it’s okay we’re going to be fine. Next play.” That in itself is amazing.

Imagine in life doing that with your spouse?

Something goes wrong, rather than walk away frustrated and mad at them you forgive quickly and say, “Honey it’s okay. So what’s next?” It’s not worth staying mad at each other. There’s so much life to live and to waste it with frustration and pain is never going to solve anything.

Well those are my 4 take home points about the Olympics today.

Dedicated to helping you achieve success,

Rob Belley

Schwarzenegger to battle Governors?

In a much NEEDED attempt to save the children of our nation from disease and obesity California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has decided to take a bold stance. Read the article below from Alliance for a Healthier Generation;

Governor Schwarzenegger Challenges Governors to Make Schools Healthier
On June 4, a letter from Gov. Schwarzenegger went out to every governor in the U.S., challenging them to make schools in their states healthier environments by enrolling schools in the Alliance’s Healthy Schools Program. Gov. Schwarzenegger co-leads the Alliance for a Healthier Generation with President Bill Clinton and American Heart Association President Dr. Dan Jones.

“I urge you to accept this ‘Challenge’ and to work with me and the Alliance for a Healthier Generation to build healthier school environments for all students and school staff in your states,” Gov. Schwarzenegger’s letter reads. “The state with the highest percentage point increase in enrolled schools will be publicly lauded as overall winner. States with a 10% increase in overall enrollment will receive public recognition as well.

I agree that something has to be done. Should one school be over-publicized more than an other for doing the best? Maybe, maybe not.

But the fact of the matter is with Governor Schwarzenegger’s letter, the Alliance for a Healthier Generation and through the efforts everyone over at the International Youth Conditioning Association (IYCA), including proud members as myself, WE CAN save our future.

Fitness and Nutrition are missing from our school system and it needs to make a huge comeback. QUICK!!


WE CAN save our children from the mess that has occurred the last 30 years of chemical laden foods and lethargic academic programs.

To helping you achieve success,

Rob Belley

Robert Belley Fitness

The God Honest Truth!! A Food Journal

I think a day doesn’t go by when someone hasn’t asked what I eat to stay in shape.

I’m also asked what I think about detox diets, cleansing, fat burners and what ab exercises will get rid of the extra baggage just under the belly button….

To keep this less than a novel and to retain my own sanity I’ll tell you what I tell everyone…

Eat lots of fruits and vegetables.
And eat almonds, cottage cheese, peanut butter, etc…
Throw in some lean or natural proteins like steak, chicken, turkey, lamb, leaner sausages…

And a day doesn’t go by without being asked, “How do I know if I’m eating enough?”

Write it down.

When you actually put a pen to paper and record what you eat YOU’LL be Amazed at how much, little or what you’re eating. And that ACCOUNTABILITY will go a long way to proving if your methods are actually working.

I do it.
This is a couple of pages of my food journal…

Notice there’s nothing fancy about this.

All I’ve recorded is the date to start each day’s entry:
*the time I ate
*what I ate
*how much I ate

That’s all.
A cheap notebook always suffices. I can log up to 6 days a page. In all I spend about 99cents a year for paper to record my food…. Talk about going GREEN!

I’ve had clients ask me if they should buy those fancy scales where you can log everything.
I’ve been asked if they should buy one of those expensive $20 food journals.
I’ll tell you like I tell them, YOU’RE WASTING YOUR MONEY.

I don’t even believe in going online to sites like fitday.com unless you absolutely have no idea how many calories are in anything. But it doesn’t take much to learn. Just read the package.

Plus when you go to a trainer or nutritionist for guidance you’ll be way ahead of the game towards developing an EATING PLAN that will help you reshape your body.

So grab a pen, a cheap notebook, and your HONESTY and log away.

It takes only 10 seconds 4-8 times a day….

Don’t you think 1 MINUTE of your LIFE is worth changing your body, self-image, mentality and self-esteem???
To Helping You Achieve Success,

Rob Belley

Can’t Go Wrong Foods!

This is going to be real simple. We all know there’s a ton of mis-information out there. It’s even more troubling wondering what you can-and-cannot eat to stay lean and sexy year round. Here’s a brief list of some of my personal favorites to stay in six-pack shape year long.

Blueberries (Fresh or Frozen – But Fresh Preferred)

Avocado (Near one a day)

Almonds (I even eat the vanilla coated ones with cane juice – either way it’s better than not having them and they are FANTASTIC for on the go in their easy pour out cannister)

Apples (Any kind as many as you want)

Cottage Cheese (I try to stick to 1%)



These are just a few of my favorites….

And in the summer I eat them often.

Rob Belley
Robert Belley Fitness

Pembroke Fitness & Marshfield Fitness Expert

Your Negativity IS Your Weakness

What is true potential?

Do you push yourself to your truest potential?

I’ve met some people in life who seem to ‘half-ass’ their workouts.

These are the same people who, coincidentally, claim everyone stronger than them is on every supplement in the world, possibly steriods, and also tend to talk as much trash in the gym.

Oh and don’t forget the classic, “Well if I didn’t injured playing high school sports I would’ve gone to college on scholarship”.

Fat chance.

Every athlete gets injured. As I’m typing this email I’ve suffered severly ruptured discs in my lower back, tendon issues in the shoulders and elbows like crazy, dislocated shoulders, strained and pulled muscles, structural dysfunctions and more. Heck I even received over 300 stitches on the front of my forehead when I was 17 and even heart problems.

Is that reason to quit?

Is that enough reason to look at colleague friends like Eric Cressey, Brian Grasso and Stephen Cabral who still go on to accomplish great things physically and in career and say they must have some crazy advantage from birth that I didn’t.

Heck no.

They prove every day that you are only limited by your own motivation, desire, will-power and knowledge.

Eric is one of the strongest natural lifters I’ve ever met.

Brian is without doubt one of the most passionate professionals I’ve ever met.

Stephen is one of the smartest and well spoken fitness professionals I’ve ever met.

All three are some of the coolest people I’ve had the fortunate opportunity to converse with.

Having friends like them only lift your game.

All three could have called it quits at anytime the past ten years.

But they didn’t.

They did that little extra everyday to further themselves physically and mentally.

So next time you want to tear someone else down for their achievement that happens to be better than yours, take a look in the mirror first, then ask yourself,

“Am I doing ALL that I can to succeed?”

“Can I be better?”

I’m sure you’ll with a little guided discovery you’ll find you’re holding YOURself back from true potential.

Just take some responsibility for your own training and nutrition….and stop blaming every trainer, guru, workout site connected to every forum for your inconsistency…

Rob Belley

Coleson’s McDiet is McTrue but also McShit

So as many of you probably already heard, a gentleman by the name of Chris Coleson recently slimmed 14 inches from his Super-Sized belly and dropped 80 pounds by surviving on a 1,400 calorie a day McMeal plan that incorporated salads, wraps, occasional patty’s, apples and fitness 3 days a week. Check his story out here.

To his credit Chris did say he didn’t touch one fry the entire 200 days he followed this plan.

Even more interesting he skipped breakfast and packed all his calories into two meals a day; sounds like most teenagers and working adults huh?

His 40 year-old wife, inspired by her husbands amazing results, decided to give the ol’ Col’Donald routine a try and has lost herself 30 pounds.

Now this is where I get to say “I told you so!”

For as long as anyone’s known me I’ve stated “losing weight is simple”.

It’s a matter of knowing how much you need to eat every day and just staying consistent with that number. If you don’t, you’re lying and that’s why you’re not losing the weight.

My favorite analogy is the Chocolate Cake diet.

You could eat however many calories a day of the sweet tasty stuff so long as you don’t go over your limit caloricly, you spread the slices out over the day, and just workout – not even train – just workout in some facet with varied exercises daily.

No shit this will actually work!

Here’s the problem though:

1. You WILL compromise YOUR health
2. You WILL breakout with pimples
3. You WILL get ‘The Diabetes’
4. You WILL get very bored, very quickly, with this one food choice
5. You WILL feel lethargic at some point and find energy difficult to recruit

So it works.

But you will sacrifice for it.

Perhaps more than you’re willing to.

*You may set yourself up for potentially developing cancer.
*You may burn yourself out and have a serious accident.
*You may even begin to program your thoughts so much that other behaviors of your mentality and attitude will suffer due to it.

So be smarter than this guy please. And if you’re reading this you’re obviously not homeless collecting coins and cans on the street to get by.

Start purchasing apples, broccoli, salmon, chicken, steak, asparagus, sweet potatoes, etc…

I’m just waiting for McDonald’s to jump on this dumb bandwagon and hoist this fella on their corporate shoulders as the next “Jarrod” like Subway did. By the way, I dispise Jarrod. I take that back, I don’t know Jarrod the man, but I hate everything Jarrod the Subway Pop-Culture Slam-Donkey represents.

Just two cents from Rob Belley.

I do like Subway, just not their sell-out mascot.

Now talk amongst yourselves, here’s a topic, Triceps Kickbacks are neither kicks, backs or even worthy of having the term triceps incorporated into the title.

Please discuss….and realize that if a guy and woman who are willing to eat McDonald’s twice a day can both lose a good amount of weight, then what the hell is holding you back? What excuses are you creating?

Actual Client email…this truly moved me

Hey Rob – hope last night was a good work out, the rain held off just long enough for you!!! I have to share this story with you cause I know how much you love kids….

Kathryn said to me “mom, I know how much you like boot camp sorry you couldn’t go cause of me” she is so cute, I told her it was no big deal and that it was so much fun to watch her play softball… she sat there for a minute and said “don’t worry I am going to boot camp you when we get home” so I laughed and said thanks….

sure enough she went around and collected things and set them up…. we did planks, pushups, she put flip flops at either end of the hall way and had me run to pick them up/run to the other end put them down etc… (my best time was 11 seconds!)… “no cherry pickers tonight” she told me…. hahahaha

anyway… my cute kid story for the day…. you might have a future employee!!

Have a great long weekend, hope you have at least one of the days 100% off. We are running trucks Sat, Sun and Monday but I am closing the office all 3 days. nearly unheard of around here. yaay!

She also told me that she was going to “teach Rob how to do the run outs” which is what she called the thing where I had to run and get the flip flops.


The above email may not seem like much to you, I understand, but I’m not lying when I tell you I literally cried after I responded to this email. I’m a 29 year old man and I can admit that. This is EXACTLY why I know I am in the right passion of profession.

I’ve been in this industry for 15 years, more than half of my life. I’ve been published hundreds of times in the media. Been featured dozens of times in newspapers, radio interviews, local and national magazines. Named one of America’s Greatest Trainers. Won best weight loss/fitness service in the Reader Choice Awards. Was first World Certified by the International Youth Conditioning Association for improving the lives of millions of children. Helped hundreds of people in person and hundreds of thousands online and in print to get in great shape and literally help improve their lives. From children to men & women in their 80’s. From super athletes to cancer survivors/MS patients/diabetics getting off insulin and children with autism or severe low-self-esteem. I’ve been thankfully involved with fantastic charities and have the ability to donate near monthly to others and client events.

But no matter what I’ve accomplished, am accomplishing and will accomplish this is the GREATEST, UNDOUBTLY the MOST AMAZING experience of my passion for fitness, health and improvement.

This means a child “GOT IT”!

I would trade in every accomplishment and remain unrecognized if I knew this would grow as the anatomy of a tidal wave and carry the state of our youth to this behavior.

There is no greater reward in this life than impacting the world of a child. Knowing you’ve done something, albeit small, but important, to directly guide or steer a developing mind towards a proactive and healthy lifestyle choice.

I can not thank K.M. enough for sending me this email.

This totally made MY WORLD.

On a weekend I’m celebrating the 2nd year birthday of my gorgeous god daughter Nina, celebrating the 29th birthday of one of my best friends and the man who I was given the honor to wed he and his wife to one another – wrote the entire ceremony & performed it – plus co-founded our Non-Profit organization Foundation Forward THIS IS the highlight.

This is my one of my most cherished indirect compliments ever.

I’ve already printed it and placed it on my vision board. Few things make that list. Very – very – very few. It’s not a very big board 😉

But I wanted to share this with all of you who have helped me learn and hopefully I’ve helped teach a few things too as well.

Whether you’re a best friend receiving this letter, an amazing client/friend, a partner in business, a member of my family, the love of my life, or simply a person who has only once taken one of my Camps or I’ve met along the way…I forget no one.

Thank you for all adding a little piece of enjoyment, fulfillment, challenge, trust, passion, laughter and excitement to help me become the man I am today.

Thank you…and I can not thank you K.M. enough again.

Your friend,


Chicken Dog Food Soup for Hunchback Nation!

Kyphosis sucks through and through. Not only does the kyphotic curve (think Hunchback of Notre Dame) totally disrupt the kinetic chain but it’ll literally shave inches off your height over time. How you gonna reach that Tuesday night chicken soup and dog food dinner when you’re in your 60’s?

Neglected stretching and soft tissue work are the culprits here along with the wild array of ab gimmicks, crunches and sit-ups that plagued your teens, 20’s, 30’s and 40’s.

So here’s the deal kids, begin stretching the holy Moses out of your abs, chest, deep neck flexors, hip flexors, piriformis and quads.

Start strengthening your rhomboids, serratus, external obliques, glutes and hamstrings.

This is just a start.

Follow this daily and you’ll be putting me on your Christmas card list and inviting me to your rockband parties before you know it 😉

Rob Belley

Robert Belley Fitness in
Pembroke Fitness, Marshfield Fitness, Duxbury Fitness