• 1-508-944-3104 || Pembroke, MA
  • rob@rbfit.com

Category Archive Organic

Very Belley Lunch ;) Scallops (pix included)


Today’s ‘A Very Belley Lunch‘,

Seared Wild Scallops with Organic Zucchini Squash, Organic Garlic and Organic Bunched French Carrots in Organic Coconut Oil with cracked Cinnamon, cracked Black Pepper and Extra Virgin Olive Oil to season.

Add to that 2 hard boiled Cage Free Organic Eggs and delicious 😉

Provided 2.5 servings of vegetables
1 serving of healthy fats
2 Servings of protein (scallops)

The entire meal:
Cals: 423
Fat: 24 g
Carbs: 14 g
Fiber: 3 g
Pro: 37 g

Robert Belley Fitness Marshfield www.RBFIT.com

Organic gets Walmart

I know it’s almost taboo to enjoy Walmart. After all, they have nearly depleted the entire field of ‘Ma & Pa’ small business and general stores. But as of late I’ve become a fan of their cold grocer section.

My local Walmart Supercenter in Halifax has begun to offer organic eggs and organic milk.

I know organic milk still isn’t the freshest milk (opposed to going to straight to the farm) but it’s nice to see a conglomerate such as Walmart offer a healthier nutritional option at a much lower price than traditional grocers.

Organic cage free eggs are priced at just $3.27 a dozen (opposed to most brands at $4.49-$5.99) and organic milk is set at $3.48-3.93.
So next time you’re in Walmart picking up your motor oil and filter, 42″ LED TV, face wash and hygienic lady and man needs grab some organic stuff too!
It’ll make you healthier 😉
Live the dream kids,
http://www.rbfit.com/ Marshfield Fitness at Robert Belley Fitness…. organic fitness for the willing =)

Does My Dog Eat More Nutritious Than You?

Many of you who know me, also know Shrimp. A 6 pound chihuahua who lights up the room when you walk in it. When Shrimp was just a little pup (once palm sized) he’d be so happy to see you he’d pee with excitement as he greeted you at the door. He still comes running when you walk through the door but after 6 years he’s rid of the pee 🙂

Anyhow, Shrimp is a growing being none the less. And being that better nutrition is clearly better for your own development. Why am I typing of Shrimp’s eating plan? At my studio it’s a common conversational piece to discuss meals, food and eating habits. I know strange right? At a fitness studio, discussions of food? It is a bit far fetched.

Well here’s the strangest part: my dog eats nutritiously better than most people I know.

This morning alone, Shrimp has drank refreshingly filtered water, enjoyed organic free range eggs with orange and green peppers, and we just devoured some organic sweet pea’s together.

Shrimp has had the equivalent of 3 servings of veggies for his size already and it’s only 11 am.

How many have you had? Shrimp has already drank about 1 oz of water; at 6 pounds that’s a lot. And he’s supported his muscle function and repair with amazing amino acid structure in eggs. And they’re organic free range to boot!

Later, he’ll probably have high quality chicken breast, maybe almond butter, most likely broccoli or whatever other vegetable we have at home.

Why do I let Shrimp eat whatever I eat when I eat?

Because like myself, I understand Shrimp is a being that will only respond by the foods he ingests. If he eats terribly he’ll feel like terrible and likewise become unfit. Just like you and I.

Now imagine your child eats terribly. They’re growing still. Poor nutrition as in soda, fruit juices, Gatorade, chips, snacks, boxed store-shelf breakfast processed-bakeries and unhealthy portions lead to lesser than desired development, poor energy and brain function. Poor nutrition hinders study capacity, grades, mood, fitness and growth.

Why wouldn’t I let Shrimp eat nutritious veggies and healthy lean protein sources, organic at that?

Because Shrimp needs better nutrition to survive at near optimal levels. Just like you do. More so our kids.

So, has my dog ate better than you so far today?

Have you had any junk or fast food before noon?
Have you had at least 2-3 servings of fruits and veggies before noon?
Have you had at least 1 or 2 servings of organic high quality protein sources before noon?

Have your children?
Or did they have Fruit Loops, a Pop Tart, a bagel, candy, fruit snacks, Special K bar, McDonald’s, or some other marketed as healthy breakfast source?

I know you know better than to actually believe those manufacturers and restaurants. Dunkin Donuts and Starbucks are not healthy choices for breakfast. Heck ever.

Check your list, and make any changes necessary.


Food Inc., – How To Eat for a Beach Body

Okay, so about a month back I saw Food, Inc.

I was moved to say the least. Of course, we already know that most commercial supermarket food is bad for us… but after this, it’s downright scary to buy most of our foods in there.
Turns out our crops are devastated.
Turns out there is not much corporatocracy will let us do about it.
Turns out renegade farmers who wish to practice ‘traditional’ and ‘organic’ means are being shut down or bullied around.

Turns out our health and nation suffers consequently.

To say the least, I’m transitioning my eating habits to purely grass-fed cattle for my preferred protein sources. I go to a shop called Common Sense in Plymouth, Massachusetts right now.

At $9 a pound for a delicious steak it’s worth it. Trust me 🙂
I get 3 servings out of that.

Coupled with the organic feta cheese, organic baby spinach, extra virgin olive oil, sea salt, fresh cracked pepper, fresh blueberries and organic apple bits salad I eat with it my immune system, health and body fat are at significantly healthier levels no doubt.

If you can see Food, Inc. DO IT!

It will change the way you see grocery food, like Super Size Me changed the way you saw fast food, as well as Fast Food Nation did.

Buy Organic!

Support your local Organic Farmer!

Crops sprayed with pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, or fertilizers, and animals fed grain (even if its organic grain feed) increase growth hormones and antibiotics which are affecting our health. Stay away from these sources.

My health IS WORTH the extra dimes and nickels.

I believe that.

Besides, of we all ate the portions we’re meant to eat… all of our grocery bills would come down in price.

Hit the Marshfield Farmer’s Market, Plymouth Farmer’s Market, Duxbury Farmer’s Market, Buy from the organic section in Star Market in Marshfield, or the organic section of Stop & Shop in Pembroke or Kingston.
Just do what you have to do.

Live the Dream,

and it’ll reward you…
I promise