• 1-508-944-3104 || Pembroke, MA
  • rob@rbfit.com

Category Archive burn boot camps

Marshfield Fitness Studio Boot Camps

Sometimes it’s easy to forget how much we can accomplish in such a short period of time.

At Robert Belley Fitness studio, I’ve had the ability to impact nearly a hundred lives already.

That’s heavy.

I’ve also had the opportunity to expand the studio with a means that further envelopes the eclectic style of training I implement with all training family.

I’ve added a yoga and Pilate’s program above by adding Holly to the team.

I’m currently searching for another competent and capable instructor to lead early morning BURN boot camps on Tuesday and Thursday mornings.

If you know anyone let me know. My search is ongoing but I’m always up for others I haven’t seen yet.

I’ve added elements to the programming that surely separates my studio from other fitness options in Marshfield, Pembroke and Duxbury.

I’m being pictured and having my bio in two major magazines coming out on newsstands next month.

I’ve added a few cool resources to the studio that leave people sweaty and accomplished.

I’ve built a studio dynamic where people feel comfortable to come and train with their kids, friends and family. Almost another home.

I’m sitting here from my loft, overlooking the studio, admiring for a moment what I’ve designed, and muddling, on what I’ve left to place in here and how to coordinate it.

Never settled.

But I think that is what separates myself and my studio from some of the others in our locale.

I’m never satisfied with it. I always want it to be better. I want it to provide the best service to each and every person who walks in here.

I never wanted a gym.

I never wanted a health club, well, okay, when I was 15 I wanted a health club but my design was a multi-million dollar extravaganza that was 3 levels and simply put, cutting edge for what would’ve been the mid-90’s.

I always wanted a relationship with my clients.

I always wanted my clients to appreciate the effort I put into my service, in front of them and behind the scenes.

Locating motivating information. Providing positive text messages, emails, conversations.
Helping them feel appreciated for their hard-earned efforts and letting them know they are not alone in their journey. Donating to causes as they come as often as I can afford.

Because I understand that I did not build this alone. I didn’t even create it alone. It’s the culmination of many influences, from many people, many factors, many experiences and many self-trials.

This is just as much my studio as it is theirs and yours.

At one point I thought of making Robert Belley Fitness LLC a community owned company somehow someway. Because it’s not just me. It’s all of us.

Robert Belley Fitness may bear my birth name. But it encapsulates the passion and laughter and effort of all those who train here. Robert Belley Fitness is the sum of nearly 100 people. Not just Robert Belley.

Sometimes it’s easy to get caught up in the daily’s. Sometimes it’s easy to get lost in the tasks that overwhelm.

And it’s easy to overlook the accomplishments we’ve attained here.

But today, in this moment, I appreciate all I have in front of me, that has come before me, and that is enveloping me.

Thank you for believing in Robert Belley Fitness.

It could just as well be (type your name here) Fitness.


I’m just one professional.

Trying to help as many people as possible find the funner, more efficient way.


Robert Belley Fitness
Marshfield, Massachusetts

How Isolation Sucks…

Unless you’re a bodybuilder. Let me say that first.

Or unless you are recovering from a traumatic injury that rehabilitation needs focus on a particular muscle group at a time.

But rest aside, isolation sucks if you’re after fat loss.

One reason is this, you burn less calories.

Doing biceps curls for 3 sets will not compare to doing squats or dead lifts (which involve multi-joint movements – total body) to burning calories and creating a turbulence in the body.

Second, the potential risk of injury at various points from a seamingly simple exercise.

And I couldn’t say it better myself, so here is a piece from an article from my Peak Performance newsletter I receive. One way I try to stay atop my reading to help everyone at Robert Belley Fitness in our BURN boot camps and in our semi-private training sessions.

Here is that bit,

Let’s just take a couple of examples of Chris’s educative approach. First,
the preacher curl – beloved of body-builders, because let’s face it, it makes a
guy look really tough. But read what Chris has to say about that:

“Bodybuilders have long held the belief that the preacher curl trains
the ‘peak’ in the bicep. This is a fallacy; the only reason the bicep appears to
peak is because the starting position places the shoulder in 20 to 45 degrees of
flexion. This shortens the bicep so that the excursion of the muscle ‘pushes’ up
its bulk.”

And here’s the problem:
“The inherent danger with this curl lies in the protracted scapular
position and forward tilt of the scapula (coracoid process is directed
anteriorly and inferiorly). In this position, the subacromial structures –
bursa, biceps tendon and supraspinatus tendon – are in a potential impingement

I couldn’t say it better.

But you get the point right?

Acute injuries, acute injuries, acute injuries…

Most often, people train with incorrect form. That incorrect form could lead to major damage structurally. Especially if you’re going at it alone.

Not to say that bad form on multi-joint exercises isn’t any better, but, dollar for dollar you are better off becoming proficient with exercise form with multi-joint movements as they will help you further in your journey towards fat loss.

Thank you for reading today’s post
