• 1-508-944-3104 || Pembroke, MA
  • rob@rbfit.com

Monthly Archive January 31, 2011

2011 Boston Marathon… Are YOU training yet??

Ever found yourself in a lucid state, thoughts thoughtless, unable to walk straight, speech slurred, feeling as if you’re drifting away and flying on a high?

Drugged or Freezing?

Lucid Is as Lucid Does



Well I did after my last run on Saturday. I severely neglected the impact of Massachusetts frost. I ran myself into a small case of hypothermia after a 14 mile run. But I made a couple mistakes that I’m about to tell you right now to help you not make the same mistakes as me. Let me tell you what I did first though.


I wore a pair of running tights with a pair of wicking shorts on over them. I also wore 2 layers of cold gear compression long-sleeve shirts. I accessorized with a pair of gloves, compression skull cap, Robert Belley Fitness winter hat, iPod sleeve and one 16.9 ounce bottle of Poland Springs water.


For a 14.2 mile run along 45 mph routes 27, 106 and 36 through Pembroke, Kingston, Plympton and Halifax, back into Pembroke.


So here’s what happened…

"That was Snowball"

Careful, could lead to hypothermia 🙂


After the first 6.4 miles in 18-22 degree temperature I went into a Cumberland Farms on the corner of route 27 and route 106 in Kingston because I was starving from my body working harder in the cold and the last meal I had was about 5 hours prior. Well this store was about 70-75 degrees and walking around soaked from sweat in cold temps I now felt like heaven as I grabbed a Power Bar and Gatorade recovery drink.


Leaving the store I was freezing when I stepped outside, but, I still had nearly 8 miles left to run. It took me about 10 minutes if not more just to feel slightly warmer again during my run. Unfortunately I had already begun creating the damage.


By the time I reached my cool-down I could barely function properly and realized what I accomplished accidently. My body was shutting down and I was struggling making my way back home, walking through people’s yard to pick up fresh snow and eat it for hydration.

Oh Thank Jesus Nitrogen!!!

Could Save Your Life 😉



Now that’s a party!


Maybe not Charlie Sheen, duffle bag of cocaine, porn star, vodka ATV party but a party none the less.

Kacey Jordan and Charlie Sheen

Thank you for the $30,000 check Charles =)


So let’s bullet point my demise:

  • Drank too much on Friday night leading to dehydrated state on Saturday
  • Ate breakfast of apple sausages (fat and protein are inefficient fuels and require more water than carbs to digest properly)
  • Only had one meal, no snacks for 5 hours before run
  • Wore only running tights and wicking shorts.
  • Forgot lip balm
  • Did not moisturize face before run while exposed to elements for 2 full hours
  • Walked into a really warm room long enough for heart rate to return to normal
  • Only brought 17 ounces of water with me. Body works harder in colder temps thus needing more water to stay hydrated.



The entire above was extremely careless and foolish of me. It took about 2-3 hours for me to warm up to normal temp afterwards and my fingers tingled for up to 2 hours after my arrival. First thing I was strip off my wet clothes and jumped into 3 layers of warm clothes and sat under a fleece blanket while drinking a huge recovery shake.


So what did I do right? Bullets please…

  • Brought $5 cash with me just in case I needed to buy extra water, GU packets or something to eat
  • Brought one of my cell phones with me just in case I needed to call for help because of an injury or accident while running over ice
  • Told my roommate the exact route I was running, how long it should take and to come get me if I were more than 30 minutes late
  • Listened to kick-ass music to increase motivation and energy while running
  • Wore my big boy pants and didn’t give up or give in when things got tough



And what should I have done extra to ensure I didn’t hypothermia?

  • All of the above 4 bullet points
  • Had an snack 30 minutes or more prior to my run of fruit or healthy quick acting carbohydrate
  • Hydrated relentlessly the entire morning after a night of drinking, or not drank alcohol at all the night prior
  • Put lip balm on, moisturizer for exposed skin and brought lip balm with me
  • Had 2-3 times more water during my 2 hour run
  • Brought GU packets or other carb-spiking energy chew/shot for every 45 minutes of running
  • Wore an extra layer of track pants or similar over my running tights and shorts



All of that would have prevented my reaction to cold.


So there’s your New England Winter running survival kit during colder temps.


Live the lucid dream,




Train Hard? Think You Can Train Harder?




Marshfield, Massachusetts
Robert Belley Fitness

2011 Resolution ;)

Do you suffer from seated sweating, addictive binge eating, muffin top, barbwire/tribal arm tattoos, inconsistent sexual performances, hooked up big truck/fast furious sports car overcompensation, popped collar syndrome, jersey shore admiration, strange perspiration from Zac Effron movies or an inclination towards diet pills and energy drinks and catch-phrasing your existence with “Oh Yeah!” or “Like my shirt?” or even better yet, “What are you doing?”


(Too-Tight T-Shirt)
“Nothing. What are you doing?”


(ManGina) “Nothing. Like my tips?”


(Too-Tight T-Shirt)
“They’re banging. Like my pecs?”


“They’re rocking. Like my scent? Axe…”


(Too-Tight T-Shirt)
“Straight Up Playa.”

Loves The Jersey Shore

Please Touch Me


If so this may not be the post for you.


This 2011 I’ve put in a good means of decency in 2010, and a few sweet whispers into the jolly good guy for a swift and sincere hope to an end of Jersey Shore and associated styling’s for 2012.


It’s an ambitious goal but you have to aim big in Boston.


After all, Boston metropolis is a fantastic area to easily solve the contagious New Year resolution adequacy of all sorts.


First, you could turn off your television and walk the almond and vanilla pastry scented streets of the North End… both fitness and meal preparation. Kobayashi would do it for about 57 Klondike’s.


Second, you could ditch those sunglasses at night for some inspiring red visor ski goggles to whisk to the summit of Blue Hills or Wachusett Mountain and enjoy some fresh air while learning to snowboard, ski or just good old’ fashion igloo making.


Third, imagine covering your situation-al abs (although a recent cover issue seemed flabby) with a firm layer of “gotta have it” at your local New England Cold Stone Creamery.  Okay that’s not so much a goal as it is a muse to inspire curled up grown man crying on the couch while falling short another sports season since 2008 and 2004; with all due respect. This transcends the fallen to number four…


Fourth, since the Bruins haven’t won a championship since before my conception (1971 was a bit before me) why not practice trying out for the team skating at Boston Common or your backyard pond or lake in and around metro Boston. Who knows you may make it. Stay positive. Replace the hair paste with skates. Be a go-getter this 2011.


Fifth, take in the scenic summer splash of Cape Cod beaches. There’s dozens of them and quite honestly, I believe if you find a corn ear or turkey buried in the sand you can populate the entire region legally. So use the fun of sun to showcase your best beach body yet and claim some land for yourself.


Sixth, just saying sixth is awkward. So practice your ability to distinguish face painted females with drunken-perspirant of the lower Mid-Atlantic from New England gals with this handy app:
DrunkFit© Is she too fit to drunk? Or are you too drunk to fit? (A Robert Belley Fitness, LLC™2011 app)


You can explore the many sides of your 2011 fitness female hunting quest. With a ‘capture shot’ you can enter the profile into the matrix and discover whether or not you’ve found a real Jersey Gem… wink, wink.


So there you have it, six fun resolutions to kick off your reality series New Year.


Now, if you want to see some very good reality programming…


Catch HEAVY on A&E. Real world struggle and no one’s showing off in front of the camera.


Also, I suggest if you’re interested in working out but afraid to go to a gym begin with your On Demand menu on your television set. There are plenty of excellent exercise routines on there to help you begin making strides towards a better fitter you.


Till then, keep the girls normal and cool and the guys out of mirrors and singing idiotic songs about their ridiculous sense of style,


Live the dream my friends,




Check out www.RBfit.com for the latest in studio resolution opportunities
Robert Belley Fitness | Marshfield, Massachusetts

Organic gets Walmart

I know it’s almost taboo to enjoy Walmart. After all, they have nearly depleted the entire field of ‘Ma & Pa’ small business and general stores. But as of late I’ve become a fan of their cold grocer section.

My local Walmart Supercenter in Halifax has begun to offer organic eggs and organic milk.

I know organic milk still isn’t the freshest milk (opposed to going to straight to the farm) but it’s nice to see a conglomerate such as Walmart offer a healthier nutritional option at a much lower price than traditional grocers.

Organic cage free eggs are priced at just $3.27 a dozen (opposed to most brands at $4.49-$5.99) and organic milk is set at $3.48-3.93.
So next time you’re in Walmart picking up your motor oil and filter, 42″ LED TV, face wash and hygienic lady and man needs grab some organic stuff too!
It’ll make you healthier 😉
Live the dream kids,
http://www.rbfit.com/ Marshfield Fitness at Robert Belley Fitness…. organic fitness for the willing =)

Wishing YOU the best in 2011

Hello and Happy New Year…

a week later 😉 better late than never.

After much deliberation we the family at Robert Belley Fitness decided upon emailing the holiday greeting card this year so we could focus our budget on advertising for the new year. So this is your super-fantastic-supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Christmas and New Year’s Card!!!!! =)

I wish each of you a wonderful and progressive 2011. I hope you find at least one passion that you can discover, embrace, build upon and enjoy throughout the year. And I wish for you all a 2011 of love, amazing moments and memories you can revel in for decades to come.

Thank you for being a part of the Robert Belley Fitness family.

I am truly lucky and fortunate for having each and every one of you in my life and letting me be a part of your life.

Live the dream in 2011,


Robert Belley Fitness
Marshfield, MA