• 1-508-944-3104 || Pembroke, MA
  • rob@rbfit.com

Category Archive Training

Wishing YOU the best in 2011

Hello and Happy New Year…

a week later 😉 better late than never.

After much deliberation we the family at Robert Belley Fitness decided upon emailing the holiday greeting card this year so we could focus our budget on advertising for the new year. So this is your super-fantastic-supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Christmas and New Year’s Card!!!!! =)

I wish each of you a wonderful and progressive 2011. I hope you find at least one passion that you can discover, embrace, build upon and enjoy throughout the year. And I wish for you all a 2011 of love, amazing moments and memories you can revel in for decades to come.

Thank you for being a part of the Robert Belley Fitness family.

I am truly lucky and fortunate for having each and every one of you in my life and letting me be a part of your life.

Live the dream in 2011,


Robert Belley Fitness
Marshfield, MA

Something Cool Happened to Me in Fall 2010

So for those of you who see me regularly at Robert Belley Fitness in Marshfield, you all know something really cool happened to me in the fall of 2010.

Nothing outrageous worldly speaking but definitely a pick-me-up and actualization personally.

I’ve reached a whole NEW level of fitness.

In short, I owe a lot of it to some tough and consistent training the last 2 years: talking double and triple session afternoon and evenings some weeks in a row.

I’d have to thank the start of all this with climbs up Mount Washington in New Hampshire, Running a couple Marathons (Boston 2009, Cape Cod 2010) and experiencing a couple of Death Races (2009, 2010) in Vermont’s Green Mountains with someone much much fitter than myself: Captain Michael Signori.

In between these challenges, I trained like crazy some weeks. Performing my own hellish workout then doing a couple extra for laughs and extra burn. Even training alongside training family clients to test their and my own fitness level.

The greatest part of all though, is that 2 years later, I’m in the best physical-endurance-strength-mental clarity shape of my life. Sure I’ve had some ups and downs with nutrition. And had some terrible workouts in there. But I never stopped driving forward or pushing.

At the studio last night, while Katie O’Hara Shannahan was performing 30 minutes on the AirDyne, and I was practicing my Jump Shot, we spoke about drive and determination.

I don’t believe you can teach those two characteristics, but you can learn something about them.

(1) It comes from within
(2) Behaving consistently encourages drive-like behavior for those who lack internal drive

Tom Brady was Katie and I’s example. To watch Tom Brady quarterback is brilliant. He is relentless. In much the same way Michael Jordan was with basketball. If he throws a bad pass or the play doesn’t work out he jumps right into the next play without hesitation or fear of throwing another bad bullet. Much the way Jordan wouldn’t stop shooting if he was having an off
night. Complete consistency is the key to the next level.

Accepting that you will fail, and will just have to work immediatly through it is HUGE for creating the best result.

I’ve had some terrible workouts in the last couple years, and by terrible I am reffering to low-energy, poor lifts and feeling as if I were stuck in quicksand.


Nothing should get in the way of the outcome.

It may be sloppy sometimes, but by sticking at it CONSISTENTLY, you will achieve the very thing you WANT most.

I promise.

Live a little dream dreamers 😉

Rob Belley

**** JOIN and LIKE our fantastic FACEBOOK PAGE for more up to the minute deals, specials, results, client gabby gab and humorous nonsense 😉 You won’t be disappointed****

Robert Belley Fitness in Marshfield
Home of the 15 Minute Super Deal In & Out Workouts!

Miss Massachusetts 2011

With the last post we had the delightful opportunity to touch upon the very things we hold dearest, fatty foods and expanding jeans. Truly one the greatest pastimes in American post-microwaveable meals.


So why not compliment the previous post with one about the recent Miss Massachusetts pageant?


Makes about as much sense as slicing the other three tires on your car after you’ve popped one.


How could you have one without the other? While some girls are showing off magic tricks with turkey drumsticks and canned cranberry sauce others are meticulously watching every bite of baby food and nearly puking in the gym to present that unbelievable figure. GO TEAM SKINNIES!!!


I was fortunate enough to have one of my clients in the pageant this year. She recently came off a sash victory and her odds looked very good entering the 2011 Miss Mass.


She trained hard within the studio confines of Robert Belley Fitness. We even did supplemental workouts at a high school track and she trained on her own near nightly at another gym for her cardio and ab work. She was determined.


Not to mention liquid diets, abstinence from alcohol most weeks, no foolish carbs and lots of blueberries.


She did a great job and lost a number of pounds you would’ve been hard pressed to find on her before we started training. Her beauty was already world-class prior to our sessions: very fit and lean. But at this level, it takes a bit more to stand on stage among the best of the best Massachusetts has to offer.


The last Miss Mass to win Miss America was 2003. So it’s been a while since one has been the best of the best of the best in this great country.


But alas, she looked amazing in her red swimsuit, and elegant and gorgeous in her evening gown. Both were a smash with the audience and judges. She landed herself a position as a semi-finalist. Can you guess which one she is here? 


So who brought the cool kid?


These girls were total smoke-shows!


Their bellies were amazing, not to mention their resumes. These girls were totally polished and accomplished. Before training my client, I had no idea how intelligent these girls were or how much they had accomplished in their careers so early: total blend of beauty and brains.


I can see why most girls hate these girls. They try a little harder than most others at career, appearance, community and self-improvement. Most people in general are not fans of those attributes.


They’d rather hope something falls into their laps and happens for them rather than making it happen and actually earning it.


Sad but true.


And with dieting and fitness, these girls are usually multifaceted athletes, with strict eating plans, and little sleep, balancing a career at the same time while training near 2 structured hours daily, and with holding from eating chips, cookies, pasta, anything from a box and consuming near only protein through powders, fresh meats and seafood.


It’s truly remarkable how much they handle for one night to impress.


And once that level is reached, they must work even harder to impress at the national level. And if that goes through, F%$#, the world level is insane!


But I’ll tell you, there’s something fascinating about watching very attractive women sweating, exhausting themselves, growling and near puking while still smiling and asking “What’s next?”


I love it and can’t wait to start the training regime for 2012!


So we can all learn something from this:


Sitting down = FAT
Eating MOST packaged foods =FAT
Not working intelligently and disciplined = FAT
Unstructured/non-goal oriented training = FAT
Not being athletically minded = FAT
Oversleeping = FAT


On the other hand:


Applying oneself = HOTT
Time management = HOTT
Being Active ALL DAY = HOTT
Training with PURPOSE = HOTT
Eating only what you NEED = HOTT
Dead lifting more than yourself = HOTT
Being a selfless and great person = HOTT
Trying to be better than someone = HOTT
Focusing on the athletic task at hand = HOTT
Accepting pain IS normal to the process = HOTT
Bringing awareness to help less fortunate = HOTT
Being quietly confident and assured of self = HOTT
Not complaining about your self-created-life =HOTT
Being lovely, elegant, assertive, emphatic, driven = HOTT
Training like a badass, laughing at imposed challenges = HOTT
Motivating people to be better versions of themselves = HOTT
Having the means to make others self-reflect without a word = HOTT



Live the dream,

Rob Belley

*FAN us on Facebook, at http://www.facebook.com/pages/Marshfield-MA/Robert-Belley-Fitness-Marshfields-Funnest-Fat-Loss-Beach-Body-Studio/174797574837

Cape Cod Marathon on Halloween

Did you hear?


About 2,000 psycho’s (including myself) will be running the 33rd annual Cape Cod Marathon on Sunday, October 31st, 2010 takingplace in Falmouth, Massachusetts.


Granted it’s no local celebrity Katharine Lee Bates “America The Beautiful” but will be triumphant at best.


The average marathoner will stride about 42,000 steps or repetitions. Imagine 42,000 reps of anything??? The average person takes roughly 20,000 breaths in a day!


This guy may have taken a few more during the race:

Please Bring This Guy a PopTart!!!

Please Bring This Guy a PopTart!!!


Of course, if I was chasing after this supposed marathoner I’d probably look like him too.

Supposed Infatuation Marathon Junkie

Catch It, Have It 😉 Supposed Infatuation Marathon Junkie


I will be celebrating bib number 456. So if you’re moseying around Wood’s Hole Sunday morning and see a Caucasian male, 5’8″, 165 pounds, bib #456, iPod sleeved, white t-shirt bleeding from his eyes and ears that would be me. Please bring me a PopTart. None of those new milkshake flavors either, straight up, Strawberry Frosted, sprinkles atop or Brown Sugar Cinnamon, full fat edition! Only the classics for this kid whiz!


If you get a chance none-the-less, with or without PopTart, you can still swing down to Main Street in Falmouth about 8 a.m. to catch the 8:30 a.m. start.


Bring a friend. Bring a camera. Bring a PopTart and make a new friend 😉


Live the dream my PopTart-toting ally,


Rob Belley 


*FAN us on Facebook, at http://www.facebook.com/pages/Marshfield-MA/Robert-Belley-Fitness-Marshfields-Funnest-Fat-Loss-Beach-Body-Studio/174797574837

You’l be soooooooooooooo happy you did!

Fascination of Fitness

It’s really strange where the fascination with fitness really begins.


For each of us it’s a bit different.


An idolized movie star?

These are my actual shirts I wore ages 4-6

These are my actual shirts I wore ages 4-6


A favorite athlete?


A family member or blood-influence?



My Uncle Joey back in the day! He boxed, took martial arts, Air Force... American Bad Ass

My Uncle Joey back in the day! He boxed, took martial arts, Air Force... American Bad Ass


For me, it began with superheroes foremost.


Batman, Spiderman, Superman, Shazam, The Flash, Iron Man. Pretty Much a DC comics kid first, Marvel comics second.



Me and my brother Mike. I'm the little one! Real Superheroes wear Underoos. Everybody knows that!

Me and my brother Mike. I'm the little one! Real Superheroes wear Underoos. Everybody knows that!


Anyway, I believe that was my first “I want that Kool-Aid” moment.


But really I believe it began earlier. Maybe when I first eyed my mother, father or brother dash across the yard or living room floor to grab a ringing telephone, catch the post man or stop one of us crazy kids from propelling ourselves off of a counter, bed or staircase.


We all wish to replicate that feeling of freedom and movement.


We have instilled within us to begin a life of fitness and activity.


And it’s funny as society, and our own lives, move forward that our civilization has become less fit (as a whole) and fatter. Sorry, but it’s true. No need to hold back any punches. Our mirrors don’t.


I’ve had times when I’ve been well over 20 pounds over my comfortable-self-secure weight and that baby powder pimp slaps me back into training mode. But we’re not self-conscious as babies. So what drives us to involve fitness into our life?


For myself, as many would most likely assume, I am driven by the aesthetic results of fitness as an adult. I am also driven by the emotional high that comes from feeling capable within mo

Death Race 2010 Adventure, first impression

Every now and then it’s fun to test ourselves. A couple months ago I tried just that.


Back in June of 2009 I accompanied and supported a childhood best friend of mine, Captain Michael Signori, through something called Death Race. It was what you’d expect by the event title alone; something _____ awful. You can enter your own expletive. 🙂


Honestly it was fantastic and thrilling. Pure determination, coupled with physical prowess, and paired with magnificent timing and the sheer luck of adequate preparation. Basically you have to be a BAMF or 100% certifiably crazy to complete. And Mike did, in honorable time mind you: 14 total hours in summer 2009.


Michael is by far the fittest and craziest person – challenge wise – I’ve ever encountered and most likely will ever know. Michael’s been to war twice. We call Michael “Superman” in our group of friends. He’s just that guy.

Mike is in red shirt, I am in Camoflauge shirt in what looks like an uncompromised position

Mike is in red shirt, I am in Camoflauge shirt in what looks like an uncompromised position


So, I decided the next 12 months of my life should be spent preparing for this Death Race in 2010 in Pittsfield, Vermont. Of course, the challenge is never the same twice. The events always change. And the course gets harder each year. Basically each outing Andy and Joe over at www.Peak.com ensure you’re ________ to start. Enter any other expletive you’d like again. I love reader participation!


In a nut shell I trained with purpose – ridiculous purpose.


Here’s a clip of my video application submission for Death Race 2010.


[kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/qNtRIQj8Xmg" width="425" height="344" allowfullscreen="true" fvars="fs=1" /]


Next post I’ll conclude my Death Race 2010 experience.


Live the dream.


Rob Belley


*FAN us on Facebook, at http://www.facebook.com/pages/Marshfield-MA/Robert-Belley-Fitness-Marshfields-Funnest-Fat-Loss-Beach-Body-Studio/174797574837

Inception of Fitness

Hello, my name is Rob.
Hi. I Like Push-Ups
Hi I Like Push-Ups

My name tag is the brilliance and sweat of a small town American housewife’s (“Maryellen”, played by Penelope Cruz) struggle to teach her child the fundamental blocks of appropriate spelling. It’s a heart-warming story given two thumbs up by my kindergarten teacher Mrs. McIntosh – formerly of the Central Elementary School – in East Bridgewater, Massachusetts. 

If you’re looking for the theatrical release it’s still in pre-production. My character is fleshed to life by Edward Norton; American History X physique with Fight Club mental edge. As soon as it becomes available in RedBox’s I’ll let you know.

Of course this isn’t true. I’d probably be played by Christopher Mintz-Plasse “McLovin” character. As you can tell from this video clip the boy is starving for work.

 Mclovin PSA Snapshot Click to Laugh

So from time to time, possibly bi-weekly (who isn’t these days), I’ll be providing you with fitness inceptions and insights.

Maybe you’ll discover a cool adventure race in the greater Boston area you’d like to test yourself within.

Perhaps foods that will help improve your performance: take that any way you wish.

Or maybe you’ll discover something to chuckle and break up your day’s stress.

This is hopefully as much informative as accessible. And if it’s not fun, it may not be worth reading. But that’s for you to decide.

So I hope you enjoy this blog ________. And until I learn your name it’s staying blank.

Live the dream.

Rob Belley

*FAN us on Facebook, at http://www.facebook.com/pages/Marshfield-MA/Robert-Belley-Fitness-Marshfields-Funnest-Fat-Loss-Beach-Body-Studio/174797574837

It’s the most amount of fun you can have while you’re glutes ache

Miss Massachusetts Pageant Workout

Hello my friend 🙂

Mornings at the studio I have been training a young lady [to remain anonymous] who is competing in this year’s Miss Massachusetts Pageant November 26-28, 2010.

She’s already a beautiful girl, but, to be in Miss Massachusetts shape she will be undergoing 12 more weeks of precision nutritional adherence and “Oh My God This Workout Sucks!” training.

I love this style of training.
It’s how I prefer to train myself 😉

So I’m going to give you the workout we ran through today.

Remember, this is detailed for her exact needs. Yours may be different. But it’s still a killer session to try.

Miss Massachusetts Training Session: Friday August, 20, 2010
No rest between ANY exercises | Rest 60 seconds after complete circuit
Take water as needed | 3 FULL rounds before NEXT circuit

Part the First: My F’n ABS!!!!!!
A1: Reverse Crunches (12 reps) –> Plank (45 sec) –> Mountain Climbers (40 reps) –> Plank (30 sec)
A2: Run 200 meters
A3: Inverted Rows (12 reps)
A4: Close-Grip Push-Ups (15 reps)
Repeat 2 more times

Part the Second: Please…. Just take the arms off
B1: 3 Point Dumbbell Row (12 per arm)
B2: 3 Point Prone Triceps Kickback (8 per arm)
B3: Belley Swing Lunge (15 each leg)
Repeat 2 more times

Part the Third: Remember I Can Puke
C1: Stairs x3 (48 Ascending / 48 Descending Steps)
C2: Stair Skips (25 seconds)
C3: Elevated Push-Ups (20 reps)
Repeat 2 more times

That’s a fun lil’ workout.

I advise if you follow precisely you will be sweating like a maniac.
Even at 6am.

I’ll tell ya, this girl is extremely driven, and despite what stereotypes people may create about pageant contestants, they do have a strong work ethic.

Hope you’re living the dream 😉


Robert Belley Fitness

Marshfield, MA 1775 Ocean Street

Robert Belley on ThisNext.com

Hey y’all,

I’ve recently been profiled by the next great web resource tool ThisNext.com

It was an honor to be asked for my favorite daily fitness product recommendations. What I posted happens to be the very products I and my clientele use on a daily basis in our training sessions…and a couple of surprises throughout the week!!

So check out my profile at http://www.thisnext.com/by/RobBelley/profile/