2009 Boston Marathon Completed!!

Basically the first 20 DO feel easy, 21-25 are Much harder, 25 -26.2 are amazingly AMPED!!!
What You Can Learn from the Olympics
WOW! What another great Olympic games!
I’ve been loving every second of it. And normally I don’t watch these games but this year I’ve been glued every night. They are tremendously THE GREATEST athletes alive. No doubt.
But what makes them great?
Genetics first and foremost.
Not just any one can be an Olympic athlete. It’s an amazing blend of physiological factors tuned with progressive training that will make an Olympian an Olympian.
Kind of like kids. Every parent seems to think their child has a shot at the majors or pro ball but in reality the child at best barely has a chance of playing Division 3 football, baseball or basketball in College.
Travel teams, Extra Leagues and the rest are just ridiculous and a waste of time. Kids will learn just fine by sticking to town leagues. Besides, if a child is competing in a sport year round or even more than 3 months consistently they most certainly will be FAR MORE harm than good.
Adults barely can handle that kind of stress on the joints yet alone a growing child.
But anyway, that’s an entire other post and book I’m working on right now….so we’ll leave that one alone.
So take home points of how the Olympics can help you and me:
1. Set a deadline and stick to it! They rise to the occasion because they are willing a response by a certain date. Deadlines always work! And if you don’t think so, think about society and how we always live by deadlines. You always pay the mortgage or rent on the 2nd or 1st right?
2. Train intelligently. Set up a program and stick to it. Most people wing this one and it’s ridiculous. Unless you have a guide and measure to see if things are working you’ll end up wasting time and most likely dropping fitness all together. These Athletes have amazing programs set in place. Each workout leads into the next, thus yielding the response they want.
So if you’re training for fat loss, each week the weights you’re handling should increase, or the length of the set, or the reps should alter… something should always be increasing.
3. Eat for your needs. Too many people wing this too. Michael Phelps east between 8,000-10,000 calories a day to maintain his body weight. If any of us did that we’d gain 30-40 pounds in a year. But swimming 5 hours a day plus his training yields a greater need for more calories.
So if you’re an office worker or homemaker and you hit the gym only 2-3 times a week eat for your needs. You’re probably somewhere between 1,250-1,800 calories a day to maintain or reshape your figure. But don’t go less than 1,250. Even if you’re trying to lose weight.
4. Because I thought a 4th point would be fun. Teamwork is key. Notice Walsh and May tearing up the beach volleyball pool? These girls are awesome!! 104 straight victories?!?!?! That’s amazing. But after every play, even when they are scored on they slap hands or pat each other to say “hey it’s okay we’re going to be fine. Next play.” That in itself is amazing.
Imagine in life doing that with your spouse?
Something goes wrong, rather than walk away frustrated and mad at them you forgive quickly and say, “Honey it’s okay. So what’s next?” It’s not worth staying mad at each other. There’s so much life to live and to waste it with frustration and pain is never going to solve anything.
Well those are my 4 take home points about the Olympics today.
Dedicated to helping you achieve success,
Rob Belley
12 Days of Fitness is Yours FREE!!
Guess what?
It’s that time of year again!
What I mean is it’s the time of year for the wonderful 12 Days of Fitness put on by my buddies Dax Moy and Pat Rigsby. Over 250 fitness professionals, including myself, have been contributing workouts, diets, meal plans, programs, audios and informational reports for all our beloved subsrcibers and clients for absolutelty free.
You see the 12 days begin today Monday, December 10th and runs through the 22nd. But if I were you I wouldn’t hesitate. I’d pop over there today to begin going through all the cool gifts.
Dax and Pat have done another superb job this year. And I’m just ecstatic to be apart of the 12 Days.
I personally have contributed some FAST workouts for those of us in a hustle this holiday season. Believe you me, I know how hard it is to find time to get in a good workout right now. So I’m positive my gift alone will help you 3fold for the next 4 weeks.
But again, I’m just one of a handpicked group of 250 health and fitness experts from all around the world to participate in the largest gift-giving program ever.
So as I said before, you’re going to download great info from some of my elite colleagues too!
And these gifts are even divied up into categories for you:
Strength Training
Back Pain
New Mom’s Fitness
and so much more…
The only thing you’ll need to do is pop on over and register your name and email address at:
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!!
Robert Belley operates the Readers Choice award winning service Robert Belléy Fitness in Pembroke on RT 53.
Information can be reached via the internet at www.RBFit.com or email at Rob@RBFit.com
Maximum Fitness magazine, Advisory Board Member
Men’s Fitness magazine, Consultant/Advisor
CNC Publisher, Weekly Columnist
Robert Belley Fitness Personal Training Studios
345 Washington St. Unit 5, Pembroke, Massachusetts 02359