We’re all f^@%ed now!
Today’s challenge is brought you by a crazy man in a purple suit…
no, Prince is dead already.
It’s the Joker, and he doesn’t G.A.F.
So much so, that he’s looking to place you face down on the ground, balancing on your belly, waving your arms and legs frantically like a angel fallen to it’s death.
Inverted Snow Angels!
One of my personal favorites for making people ‘feel the burn’.
Good luck with all 666 Inverted Snow Angels.
Hands and feet must never touch the ground during your rep count.
Believe me, this movement sucks.
Good luck with the Joker!
The 2016 Belley Fitness 13 Days of Christmas Hanukkah Kwanzaa Suffering Challenge
Day 7
Belley Fitness located in Pembroke, Massachusetts. Servicing residents of Pembroke, Marshfield, Kingston, Hanover, Duxbury, Scituate, and anyone with a means of transportation from anywhere ๐

Day 8 of the Belley Fitness 13 Days of Christmas Hanukkah Kwanzaa Suffering 2016!!
Day 8 of the Belley Fitness 13 Days of Christmas Hanukkah Kwanzaa Suffering 2016 is here!
Today’s challenge is pretty easy.
All you need is yourself and a little space.
The rep count is 500.
The amount of sets is based upon your current fitness level.
All you need to do is begin with Push-Ups, as many as you can bust out (you may want perform up to 2 minus your max), then, stand up and perform as many Squats as you possibly can in a row.
Someone may likely finish this in one set.
Some may take up to 50 sets.
In example,
Let’s say I complete 50 push-ups, then I complete 50 squats (50:50), then 30 push-ups, then 50 squats, 20 push-ups, 50 squats I am half way there (250 reps).
Finishing off with
15:35 x 5 sets.
15 Push-Ups:35 Squats multiplied by 5 sets = 250 final reps.
Not too bad!
So find you own rep count that works for you and give it a shot in your house in Pembroke, Marshfield, Duxbury, Kingston, wherever you are.
Good luck!

Day 9 of the Belley Fitness 13 Days of Christmas Hanukkah Kwanzaa Suffering 2016!!
Today is Kwanzaa snatch glory in the 13 Days of Belley Fitness Christmas Hanukkah Kwanzaa Suffering challenge of 2016!
DAY 9!!!
Did you know the celebration of the 7 days of Kwanzaa began in 1966?
In honor of that year, we must dumbbell snatch 1,966 pounds in total.
May seem like a lot but when you break it down it’s actually quite simple.
If you’re lifting a 20# DB overhead in the one-arm snatch you need only complete 98 reps total.
And 98 reps is really only 49 per arm.
So, if you’re handling 20# DB shoot for 7 sets of 7 reps per arm.
If you’re handling a 50# DB go for 18 per arm.
983#DB’s just one per arm.
See how easy that is.
Please do not attempt a weight load anywhere near over 70# unless you’re used to lifting this weight over your head regularly…. self-liability ya know ๐
Day 10 of the Belley Fitness 13 Days of Christmas Hanukkah Kwanzaa Suffering 2016!!
Day 10 of 13.
So far, if you’ve been following along to a T, you’ve likely completed 829 reps of burpees, beast reaches, and bodyweight squats. I love starting with a B…. Bobby Belley.
And today, the 10th day of the Belley Fitness 13 Days of Christmas Hanukkah Kwanzaa Suffering challenge of 2016 you can add another 352 merciless reps via….
drum roll…
drum rolling…
The Human Torch sports the latest infographic, beacuse, this exercise will f*^king burn.
Like badly burn.
And for a exercise demo you will find a video beneath ๐
8 days of Hanukkah, 44 total candles… 8 sets by 44 reps… HAPPY HANUKKAH FOLKS!!!
Good luck!
Day 11 of the Belley Fitness 13 Days of Christmas Hanukkah Kwanzaa Suffering 2016!!
Today is possibly going to suck Pembroke.
But not too bad!
Just bad enough.
Today’s adaptation of the Days of Christmas Hanukkah Kwanzaa holiday spirit brings you to bodyweight squats.
And of course since suffering is in the title of the 2016 Belley Fitness 13 Days of Christmas Hanukkah Kwanzaa Suffering Challenge it should be a pretty high number of significance.
Just because.
So today complete 379 bodyweight squats like a Hulk! Or She-Hulk.
Hulk first comic’d in March of 1979! Hence the 3 and 79.
Good luck!
Day 12 of the Belley Fitness 13 Days of Christmas Hanukkah Kwanzaa Suffering 2016!!
Welcome to Day 12 of the 13 Days of Belley Fitness Christmas Hanukkah Kwanzaa Suffering Challenge!!
On the 12th day we celebrate the holy trinity: Superman, Wonder Woman, Batman.
And with that comes a easy effort of 250 Burpeees.
You know, because like, it’s like the 25th multiplied by 10.
My reasoning does not need to make any sense for this challenge.
Good luck in Pembroke, Marshfield, Duxbury or wherever you are!!
Belley Fitness
Day 13 of the Belley Fitness 13 Days of Christmas Hanukkah Kwanzaa Suffering 2016!!
Welcome to Day 13 of theย Belley Fitness 13 Days of Christmas Hanukkah Kwanzaa Suffering Challenge!!
I’m counting down instead of up on this challenge because there’s enough “UP” in the holiday craze for James Brown and Rob Ford to resurrect from the grave for another carol.
And I’m kicking it off “Laughing All The Way.. HA HA HA” with The Joker.
200 Beast Reaches.
Why so serious??
Do em’all at once.
Do em’over many sets.
Complete individuality and control!
Unlike the um…Holidays in the title.
And if you don’t know what a Beast Reach is, there’s a video attached sufferer ๐
PS – Neither James Brown, nor Rob Ford’s corpses, and/or burial plots, we’re harmed or disturbed during the typing of this blog post. The more you know…
Belley Fitness 13 Days of Christmas-Hanukkah-Kwanzaa Suffering 2016!!
Today starts the speed bump tradition of Belley Fitness 13 Days of Christmas-Hanukkah-Kwanzaa Suffering!!!!
Each day a movement pushed to unpleasant rep counts… because, well, the month of December just feels uncomfortable anyway.ย
May as well have some fun with the unpleasant trips to malls and shops for completely unnecessary gifts, eggnog and sugar cookie body fat increases, public fighting over holiday season or Christmas wishes, Santa’s who aren’t Christian white men, is it Xmas or Christmas, the first world white people problems that’ll give you just the kick you need to crush some epic reps bro!!!
Or should I say “God Luck”??
Happy Fitnessing and Suffering from Pembroke’s own Belley Fitness!!!
PS – You’re allowed to participate too Marshfield and Duxbury ๐
Simple Cardio… Stop Worrying For Perfect
Cardio doesn’t have to be some giant clothing-terrain-peri-workout-nutrition equation.
It just needs to be done to be effective.
I’ve seen the fitness industry become so fine tuned via gadgets, apps, and looking for the perfect scenario that many people are growing insecure in attempts to even begin a workout.
If you don’t have your Fit Bit, fuck it, you’ll still achieve a long distance run so long as you do it.
If you’re phone’s location setting isn’t locking in and tracking your every step via MapMyRun, you’re still going to travel a distance and probably remember the route.
If you can’t find your Hoka’s or New Balance sneakers the street will not care, you body will likely not fall apart, just shorten up the distance, or pick a trail instead to alleviate the impact on your body.
Heck even wear two pairs of socks for extra comfort.ย I’ve done so many hikes with double layers when socks begin to thin, or, I’m left with my junk pair of trail running shoes.
The bottom line is get to your workout start and finish it.
10, 20, even 100 years ago people still hiked mountains, ran streets, sprinted across fields all with very sub par accessories and basic tracking measures.
So don’t sell your body short. Get out there and just START, then FINISH your training session.
Worst case cut it to 10 minutes instead of 30, or 20 minutes instead of 60.
You’ll be much happier in doing so.
For most of the training public, you’ll at least maintain if not progress.
Stay focused on the bigger picture.
PS – When pinched for time, if the Blue Hills are too far for me to get to hike I hit a local hill in Marshfield. If sprinting becomes a issue and I can not get to Marshfield High School track or Pembroke High School I sprint the driveway of Belley Fitness in Pembroke. If it’s the football fields I want for my session, I simply sprint the lawn at Belley Fitness. There’s always a way around your cardio constraints.
Summer Kickoff Number 1
Welcome to this summer kickoff courtesy of Belley Fitness in Pembroke, Massachusetts
Serving Pembroke, Duxbury, Marshfield, Kingston, Hanover