• 1-508-944-3104 || Pembroke, MA
  • rob@rbfit.com

Monthly Archive October 19, 2012

Adam Loses 65 Pounds within Months

Adam happens to be one of the hardest working individuals I’ve ever had the fortunate opportunity to personal train. His results are nothing short of staggering.

Adam ditched any excuse to fully commit himself to accomplishing his goal!

He trains at both 5:45 am (before his children and wife awake) at the studio, and again after a long day at the office (sometimes in his neighborhood, others while running Myles Standish Monument hill with all 3 of his children in tow).

A man who is a bit of a foodie and wine enthusiast (such as myself), he stuck to his caloric needs as comfortably as could, and reaped the rewards of his consistency.

But this is the mark of the man Adam is.

He’s consistent in life.

Adam engages fully into all elements and passions: family, career, fun, past-times and fitness.

And he has absolutely inspired me to train not only smarter but harder.

He’s simply an inspiring individual to be around and listen to.

I am very proud to have gained Adam as a friend over the course of the last 6 months working together.

We’ve hiked Mount Washington together, competed in Vermont at the World Championship Spartan Ultra/Beast, played at the beach with family and are preparing to run a marathon together (Adam’s first).

If I could fill my hours with the ideal trainees, they would all be reflective of Adam’s dedication and intensity. Much like another Adam who trains at our studio when he’s home from Florida.

Something in a name perhaps, but none the less, intrinsic, I’m a fortunate person to have mornings begin with the motivation and good-heartedness that Adam brings to his sessions.

Nothing like waking up to laughter and intensity each morning before the sun rises.



ADAM’s WORDS (testimonial):

When I was finally ready to get off the couch I am fortunate that I found Belléy Fitness.


In High School and College I was very active with many organized sport teams.  However, like many former high school and college athletes, I was very unsuccessful at maintaining any sort of regular diet and exercise program in the years following organized sports and I had fallen into some unhealthy habits.


As a father of three young kids and a business owner, I convinced myself that I just did not have the time to take care of myself.  I didn’t even notice, or was willing to admit to myself, that my weight was spiraling out of control.  When I could no longer squeeze into any of my cloths and was again forced to buy the next round of bigger cloths, I knew it was finally time to make a real change.


I decided to commit to living a healthier lifestyle and to start exercising again.  I called Rob to learn about semi-private classes.  I’ll admit that I was initially concerned about the added cost of the semi-private training.  Like most people in the world, I was currently paying for a monthly gym pass that I never went to and finally admitted to myself that I could not do this on my own.


Energetic, encouraging, creative, and professional are the words that immediately come to mind to describe Rob as a trainer. His encouragement took on various forms, such as his always enthusiastic greetings, the genuine interest he showed in me as a person, and most importantly, the way in which he would guide me through his well-designed workouts.


In addition to encouraging me while in the studio, Rob helped me design a healthy diet and a workout routine at home.  He pushed me far beyond where I thought I could be at 36 years old and I am by far in the best shape of my life!   In less than 7 months I have lost a total of 65 pound and have completed numerous 5K’s, one sprint triathlon, one half marathon, two mud runs, the hellish 14 mile Spartan Beast in Vermont, and I will be running in my first full Marathon with Rob in a few weeks.


PS.  In regards to my initial concerns about the added expense, I am spending far more money on my new wardrobe as shrunk from 258 pounds down to 193 pounds.  The money that I spend on my Semi-Private Training is the best investment that I have ever made in myself!