Metro Dash Boston 2010 Pics
Here’s some of the people I shared time with at Metro Dash Boston 2010…
The cool couple from New Hampshire:
The really nice couple that set my initial pace for me who also operate Ultimate Fit Camp in Leominster, Massachusetts:
The gentleman I helped cross the finish line (who helped me not slow down running on West 5th Street to the finish line):
These athletes were very inspiring for me. Not only because they competed or finished. Because they were courteous, friendly, selfless and caring.
It’s a diminshing manner courteousness.
Today, do yourself and someone a favor.
Be courteous.
It’ll improve both of your days.
And will trickle onto others watching.
Open a door… Smile at someone… Greet someone by their first name… Tell someone you like their shirt… Pick something up for somebody… Say hello to someone walking by you on the sidewalk…
Live the dream,
Robert Belley
Death Race, Metro Dash Playlist – Music – Belley
One question I’m asked religiously is what kind of music I listen to while training.
And to be honest, I’m sort of crazy and sort of sweet.
Sometimes I listen to Tori Amos, God Is An Astronaut, Christina Aguilera, B.O.B., and Rihanna. I know, where’s my fanny pack right?
Other times I find the hate (thank you Michael Signori) and listen to Mudvayne, Linkin Park, Korn, Diecast, Chevelle, Deftones, Sevendust, Jay-Z, Eminem… etc.
And sometimes it’s happy like Aerosmith (can’t wait for Saturday’s show at Fenway), Led Zeppelin, Van Halen, Boston, and Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers.
Artists that also fit into my list are A Perfect Circle, Incubus, TOOL, Stone Temple Pilots, Dredg, 30 Seconds To Mars, 10 Years, Stone Sour, Timbaland, Slipknot, Justin Timberlake (like how I snuck that in at the end?), Nine Inch Nails and Anberlin.
Really anything goes.
But I find the upbeat absolutely drives me a little faster and awakens my better potential.
Here’s the playlist I created for my recent Metro Dash event in August.
Artist: Song
Deftones: Beauty School
Deftones: Risk
B.O.B: Airplanes
Eminem: Love The Way You Lie
Korn: Right Now
Mudvayne: Dull Boy
Korn: Here To Stay
Jay-Z: On To The Next One
Linkin Park: Faint
Chevelle: Midnight To Midnight
Chevelle: The Fad
Sevendust: Driven
Mudvayne: Not Falling
Five Finger Death Punch: Bulletproof
30 Seconds To Mars: Attack
Korn: Got The Life
Linkin Park: Qwerty (live)
Chevelle: This Circus
Jay-Z/Linkin Park: Points Of Authority/99 Problems/One Step Closer
Linkin Park: Bleed It Out
Linkin Park: Given Up
Chevelle: Brainiac
Mudvayne: Happy?
Mudvayne: Fish Out Of Water
10 Years: Actions & Motives
Of Course I didn’t listen to all of them as I tracked forward for moments when I needed to pick up the pace. So placing extra songs on the playlist helps significantly. In total I reserved 54 songs for that list.
Now for DEATH RACE, in June, I had a bit different of a list.
While hiking, pacing the steps, letting the hips settle into position, staying at a moving, yet comfortable pace it looked like this:
PLAYLIST: Snowboard Mix/Paisley Summer
John Lennon: Imagine
Chevelle: Shameful Metaphors
30 Seconds To Mars: Night Of The Hunter
Three Days Grace: Bitter Taste
The Raveonettes: Ode To L.A.
Dredg: Saviour
Camera Obscura: The Sweetest Thing
Before Their Eyes: Hope In Devotion
Before Their Eyes: Shotguns Speak Louder Than Words
Chevelle: The Fad
Camera Obscura: Honey In The Sun
Cheap Trick: Surrender
The Raveonettes: Love In A Trashcan
Linkin Park: Somewhere I Belong
Nancy Wilson: Elevator Beat
Spoon: The Underdog
Dredg: Drunk Slide
Camera Obscura: French Navy
Radiohead: Everything In Its Right Place
Dredg: Stamp Of Origin-Pessimistic
Sigur Ros: Svefn-G-Englar
The Beatles: Revolution
Mutemath: Spotlight
God Is An Astronaut: Lost Kingdom
Train: You Already Know
Stone Temple Pilots: Cinnamon
Howie Day: So Stung
Something Corporate: As You Sleep
Anna Nalick: Breaking The Girl
Jimmy Eat World: Sweetness?
Stone Temple Pilots: Take A Load Off
**For getting medieval while decimating ridiculously solid logs with an 8lb maul…**
Mudvayne: Solve Et Coagula
Mudvayne: Dull Boy
Three Days Grace: Bitter Taste
Evans Blue: A Cross And A Girl Named Blessed
All That Remains: Two Weeks
30 Seconds To Mars: Attack
Korn: Blame
Linkin Park: Given Up
10 Years: Actions & Motives
Sevendust: Enemy
Five Finger Death Punch: Bulletproof
Mudvayne: Burn The Bridge
Sick Puppies: You’re Going Down
Mudvayne: Not Falling
Stone Sour: Get Inside
TOOL: Vicarious
So as you can see, you should pick your playlist based upon the energy you need to elicit. Myself, I try to preplan peaks and lows during a workout. High intensity followed by low intensity when needed assuming active recovery.
If you have a sick playlist, let me know some of the songs I should add to my own.
I’d love suggestions.
Live the dream,
Rob Belley
Metro Dash and Death Race are two events I highly suggest you check out 🙂
Does My Dog Eat More Nutritious Than You?
Many of you who know me, also know Shrimp. A 6 pound chihuahua who lights up the room when you walk in it. When Shrimp was just a little pup (once palm sized) he’d be so happy to see you he’d pee with excitement as he greeted you at the door. He still comes running when you walk through the door but after 6 years he’s rid of the pee 🙂
Anyhow, Shrimp is a growing being none the less. And being that better nutrition is clearly better for your own development. Why am I typing of Shrimp’s eating plan? At my studio it’s a common conversational piece to discuss meals, food and eating habits. I know strange right? At a fitness studio, discussions of food? It is a bit far fetched.
Well here’s the strangest part: my dog eats nutritiously better than most people I know.
This morning alone, Shrimp has drank refreshingly filtered water, enjoyed organic free range eggs with orange and green peppers, and we just devoured some organic sweet pea’s together.
Shrimp has had the equivalent of 3 servings of veggies for his size already and it’s only 11 am.
How many have you had? Shrimp has already drank about 1 oz of water; at 6 pounds that’s a lot. And he’s supported his muscle function and repair with amazing amino acid structure in eggs. And they’re organic free range to boot!
Later, he’ll probably have high quality chicken breast, maybe almond butter, most likely broccoli or whatever other vegetable we have at home.
Why do I let Shrimp eat whatever I eat when I eat?
Because like myself, I understand Shrimp is a being that will only respond by the foods he ingests. If he eats terribly he’ll feel like terrible and likewise become unfit. Just like you and I.
Now imagine your child eats terribly. They’re growing still. Poor nutrition as in soda, fruit juices, Gatorade, chips, snacks, boxed store-shelf breakfast processed-bakeries and unhealthy portions lead to lesser than desired development, poor energy and brain function. Poor nutrition hinders study capacity, grades, mood, fitness and growth.
Why wouldn’t I let Shrimp eat nutritious veggies and healthy lean protein sources, organic at that?
Because Shrimp needs better nutrition to survive at near optimal levels. Just like you do. More so our kids.
So, has my dog ate better than you so far today?
Have you had any junk or fast food before noon?
Have you had at least 2-3 servings of fruits and veggies before noon?
Have you had at least 1 or 2 servings of organic high quality protein sources before noon?
Have your children?
Or did they have Fruit Loops, a Pop Tart, a bagel, candy, fruit snacks, Special K bar, McDonald’s, or some other marketed as healthy breakfast source?
I know you know better than to actually believe those manufacturers and restaurants. Dunkin Donuts and Starbucks are not healthy choices for breakfast. Heck ever.
Check your list, and make any changes necessary.
Metro Dash Boston 2010 Experience
24″ Box Jumps?
Sled Drags?
Star Jumps?
Sounds like a session at Robert Belley Fitness in Marshfield. But indeed it was a event in South Boston at Condon Elementary on D Street this morning. The event? Metro Dash.
Designed by a Navy Seal, Sean (who by the way is a really cool individual and was a pleasure to spend over an hour talking with) that tests fitness enthusiasts on their capacity for both long distance running and body weight/apparatus exercises.
I will be honest with you. Going in I was excited about this. After receiving my preliminary information I thought this may be too easy. After completing it I underestimated the length of running involved and the terrain which made this fun again.
One of my major hiccups going in was that the rep counts and time finish is based on the honor system. For Sean, with his background, this is a no-brainer. The individuals who make it to his level rely heavily on trust and honesty to accomplish unbelievable tasks as teams and personal goals.
On the civilian level, f#$kers cheat.
So, he did instruct us before the event to keep people honest. Tell them if they’re not doing something full movement. I executed this level of power during the very first Tabata challenge, at the corner of Seaport Blvd and Sleep Street. Gorgeous location and wonderful view of Boston. I was hitting the mark of 16 full body weight squats in 20 seconds and some people we’re doing mini-squats. No go! I spoke up. But you have to. Or more will follow believing it’s okay or commendable.
It’s not fair, or even the same event, if some cheat and others perform the correct movements. It’s frustrating to view someone next to you, or ahead of you, and know they cheated, but got away with it.
So I did what I could, without seeming too much of an ass, to help regulate exercise form.
After the push-up intervals, of 8 per 20 seconds for men, the run back to the start line was pretty challenging. I was running faster than normal and underestimated the effect of the squats earlier.
Challenge point 3 was “The Gauntlet”. The 8 foot wall was my favorite to scale. Love hopping fences and tall obstructions.. and I got to twice this event! Totally rad!
Took about 6-8 minutes depending on your fitness but a challenging succession.
Now the entire route was cool because there was no route. You had to do your homework and figure out ahead of time what streets you would take to ensure the least amount of distance and easiest path.
Very cool feature unlike most road races. I’m not a fan of road races for myself because I find them relatively boring. But this was great for someone like myself who enjoys mystery and confusion. I’m weird, what can I say kids })
At challenge point 4, on Columbia ave near William J Day Blvd, we had to perform star jumps. Brutal when lactic acid is flodding your tissues. We did 76 in a row at Robert Belley Fitness this December. Really fun. Basically you squat down, touch your toes and leap up while opening your appendages so you resemble a star. These suck. Haha. I averaged 10 per 20 seconds. There was no set number but to just keep doing them. I asked the timer.
Next we ran along the beach to G Street. There we met a burning set of walking lunges in the sand, and a bear crawl back.
I told Sean it was great to do after so many events because in the Belley Fitness Challenge I had already planned on doing this and it was excellent for me to experience first hand. It sucked. But manageable obviously. Sean runs this route each city in advance. So he knows. Of course he’s fitter than most 😉
Fifth we ran up G Street and navigated our way to the top of Thomas Park by the monument (commemorating the Patriot drive of British out of Boston). This is a spectacular location. Boston is so beautiful from this vantage point. Atop the hill we did sit-ups. Again, cheaters!
I did full sit-ups every set for the prescribed 10 each interval and others were doing mother f’n crunches and still claimed the same “Champion” medal at the end of the event. Total bush league. People disappoint me.
Even when my hamstring was pulling I laid my legs flat and muscled my upper body up past vertical. That caused my abs to cramp up. But worth it to know you set out and did something legit. Never cheat yourself.
But after we only had to run a half mile back to the start/finish line at Condon Elementary.
Narly right?
My hamstring started to pull, but thankfully the men I began running back with were motivating and kept my focus on not letting the pull detract me from slowing down. And I’m thankful for that. We just made the cutoff time by seconds of a “Champion” medal for “Dash Time”.
Last, and self-created, was our jump over a fence to cut a street out. I loved it! We all scaled that thing with ease. Unfortunately the same man who encouraged me twisted hurt his Achilles on the drop and began hobbling towards the finish line. I helped him across the line. I would have rather sacrificed the medal to help another individual in need. He and I came across together and I hope I can locate a picture later of us doing so.
So all in all it was much more fun than I anticipated the night before.
Now shout outs:
The first pacers I met were a couple from northern Massachusetts, whom the gentleman runs his own fitness service. Ultimate Fitness I believe. Will have to find out more through pictures later. They were a tremendous help most of the race for me to keep pace. Totally needed that push. They finished ahead of me and they were a lovely couple.
I met a great couple from New Hampshire earlier. Gave the gentleman my Crunchy Peanut Butter Clif bar. Told him it would be his favorite bar by far by Clif. LOL. Helped Kelly, his wife, to begin foam rolling too. She was fast, and with foam rolling for her tightened muscles she will only become faster and feel better before every run.
I spoke with a upcoming fitness professional, Dennis, who interned out of the Crossfit at Fenway, near Fenway Park. Cool facility. I’ve seen it a bunch of times while driving to Red Sox games. He was a very motivating young man.
And after the event I spoke with Sean, the director and creator, and helped him pack up. It was an enjoyable near couple hours. Really got to learn his hopes for the event traveling across America and he was definitely one of the coolest cats I’ve met. Par for course too for a special forces individual. They don’t speak much of their credits. They often blend in very well with society. But they have this inner drive and ability that is absolutely out of this world. Insatiable really. I talked a lot, go figure, but the little he did speak of I was truly appreciative for his time and allowing me to help him out.
So all in all, I suggest you try it yourself. You can go to and find your metropolitan on the list. Do it! The views of your city will leave you happy with your participation. Especially if you live out in the sticks or along the ocean as I do. Boston is majestic to view.
And by the way, the t-shirts you get totally rock!!!! They are absolutely form fitted for athletic people like ourselves. You’ll look sexy in it 😉 For sure.
Live the dream!
Metro Dash Boston 2010 Experience by Robert Belley of Robert Belley Fitness in Marshfield.
Marshfield Boot Camp Fitness? Does it Work?
“Is my boot camp instructor hurting me or helping me?”
Accountability is a hard pill to swallow in fitness and eating. Let me ask you this, when was the last time you were truly honest with yourself while training or journaling your food entries?
Most people create what we refer to as food amnesia. In other words, when food is accounted for by typing or writing down (remember that thing we were forced to do as children to communicate without cell phones and type writers… what’s a type what?) it is clear to see where we flub up.
What the _ _ _ _ is that thing?
If you run off your memory you’re significantly at a disadvantage to maintain a helpful eating plan.
When I keep a journal I prefer to rock the #2 lead – Scantron’s evil plan to monopolize off of tiny cheese curl caked fingers and a Saturday morning animated educational system – to alleviate my caloric worries. You could use a pen but you’re nutritionist will most likely give check minus ya.
But logging means everything.
Especially if you’re trying to discover why you haven’t changed recently.
Remember, fat loss, weight gain, strength increases, performance enhancement are simple formulas. Just follow the protocol and results will happen. The more diligent you adhere the faster results unfold. And if they are not coming real world quick then you can track exactly where you messed up (Oreo’s don’t promote fat loss?).
And for training, if you’re not working with a professional who is monitoring and tailoring your program then you must follow a program fully to ensure the best results. Just winging it everyday at the gym will leave you ultimately frustrated.
Especially in boot camp settings. As much fun as they can be for classes it’s still “mass fitness”. No specification whatsoever. You’re eating plan better be rock solid to incur significant results.
And these days with boot camps popping up in everyone’s driveway, parking lots and recreational areas it’s no wonder more and more people are sweating but at what expense? Has anything really changed physically after the first month? That’s where tailored guidance and care helps.
Luckily at Belley Fitness I’ve noticed the population recently and developed a new program for my clients to ensure constant results over camps. If you’re interested just drop me an email at Or call 508-944-3104.
But either way you’re only as successful as your weakest link. If it’s eating than you will be holding yourself way back. If it’s randomized fitness all the time then you know you need specific fitness. Customization really.
Don’t get me wrong, I love camps. I instruct about 10-12 sessions per week, but they have their limits.
Instead following a program, as my private clients do, accelerates results. Much faster indeed when eating properly is accounted for.
So live the dream, and don’t let your fitness sessions hold you back.
Attack, plan, and get the best results you can.
Robert Belley Fitness, 1775 Ocean Street, Marshfield, Massachusetts
Offering Semi-Private Training, Group Personal Training, Boot Camps, Pilates, Yoga, Youth Athlete Enhancement
Fitness Sex

So, how can you increase your abilities to shine and stay in the game too? Let’s sack this from two positions.
First, men, because we need the most help right ladies. You can thank me later. Just name a kid after me or say my name out loud or something.
Men have longevity control issues in the bedroom. It’s usually the number two complaint I hear amongst female clients and friends. Unfortunately Number one is unfixable by fitness gals. Cosmetic surgery just isn’t practical.
So let me introduce interval training and long steady state cardio to alleviate this.
Basically, the fitter you increase your VO2 max, the greater your odds are of not losing your wind when she needs it most. I was once kicked something fierce in my quad (front of thigh) when I was younger. Chick was psycho; had to laugh after. Not every girl can reach happiness as quick as the other so making sure you don’t tucker out is a huge bonus guys. Plus it gives you more time to play. Who doesn’t love to play more? Not this kid.
Second, triceps, glutes and chest strength must be improved. No doubt about it.
Glutes being the most important of the three because their prime movers when it comes down to it. And it’s amazing what stronger triceps can do for many different positions. And chest, well, women get to see and hold very little during so we may as well give them something worth looking at fella’s.
For your interval sessions try this–>
40 seonds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest. Rest 60 seconds and Repeat
Add this to your normal workout schedule twice per week…
A1) Push-Up
A2) Single Leg Deadlift (rest 5 seconds between legs)
A3) Plank (increase difficulty accordingly)
A4) Close-Grip Push-Up
A5) Hip Lifts
A6) Spiderman Climb (keep the hips down)
A7) Kettlebell Swings
12 Minutes will absolutely make your partner a happier person 😉
PS – Try and throw in some interval runs too. Find a great interval running program and knock it out twice each week. Make sure there are spikes and lows. That’s how play time is right?
Girls, well you need no improvement at all you’re just perfect.
All kidding aside, here’s what will help you to help us enjoy some extra play too. Everyone needs work; everybody. Play nice.
Women could improve glutes and inner thigh strength, tighter abs (to stare at and handle easier) and a toned upper back (it’s just sexy – that’s all).
Now if you truly want to improve your sexual strength the art of making the perfect sandwich mid-play would help wonders but that’s a culinary lesson for another time.
And I’m not so sure the cable channel would let me film that. But I’ll ask.
Here are some movements to increase everyone’s fun–>
20 seonds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest. Rest 60 seconds and Repeat
Add this to your normal workout schedule once per week.
A1) Triceps Push-Up Hover (hold the bottom of a push-up, hovering 3 inches off the ground)
A2) Pendulum Step-Ups (rest 5 seconds between legs)
A3) Plank into Downward Dog(Perform this for 20seconds each – no rest)
A4) Chin-Ups
A5) Reverse Crunches
A6) Single Leg Wall Squat Hold
A7) Kettlebell Swings
And of course both parties can benefit greatly from kegel’s (help strengthen the pelvic floor). “Your pelvic floor is insatiable”, one of my Rockstar clients and me use this phrase jokingly. They’re very simple and easy to perform. They can be done while driving, sitting at work, cleaning, cooking, using a Flowbee, praying, and of course while reading your favorite Robert Belley blog post.
(She’s kegel’ing right now )
Continue for 5-8 more reps and build up to 3 sessions a day. If you can hold for 10 seconds go for it hot shot!
Well I hope this latest installment of Mr. Roger’s neighborhood helps you figure out how to tie your laces, button down your sweater vest and most certainly be friendly to neighbors 😉
Increase your fitness, increase your fun.
Live the dream,
Belley Fitness, Marshfield, Massachusetts
Update to Apple store Hingham, Massachusetts
So I went back into the Apple store in Hingham, Massachusetts.
After I was told to wait in the right corner of the store, for which inevitably became 20 minutes after my appointment time, I was greeted by an associate. Mind you there were over 10 associates working, and people who obviously came in after me we’re being helped before me which was really frustrating.
But after my extended wait, some explaining of my iPod’s malfunction again, I was given a new iPod free of charge because the device was still under it’s one year warranty.
I am happy. Satisfied indeed to have an iPod for my fitness studio again.
But the funny thing is that my main concern, what I felt was the most dangerous malfunction, wasn’t even included in the tech’s error report. The device gets really hot. Hot hot! You should feel the heat generating out of it. It’s alarming.
I would guess that something that feels as if it could catch fire would be a major concern. Instead, the jacks we’re the labeled reason for my return. No mention whatsoever of what the majority of conversation and explanation was of my visit.
I’m guessing this was done on purpose so Apple can hide figures on their end about the risk of their product potentially creating a situation. If people post it online in forums it could be make believe. If it’s not in Apple’s reports then it’s truth. That’s my guess. I could be wrong though.
By the way. The iPod was only 8 months old. Malfunctioned pretty quickly.
But I have a new one and for $59.99 I can extend the plan for another year starting in November. Let’s see if this one lasts beyond the next 8 months.
My previous 80 gig lasted 17 months before it malfunctioned… just past the warranty. Ha ha.
Keeping my fingers crossed.
B.Good, Apple, REI Hingham health and fitness
So I had to run to the Apple store in my local Hingham, Massachusetts tonight. Actually I had to run to REI as well – needed a Camel Pack backpack for my camel bladder for Metro Dash on Saturday in Boston.
First let me just say this, when approaching a business it drives me nuts when associates speak to you as if you’re two years old. This happened at both locations. Seriously.
The associate at REI spoke to me in a way that was so condescending… about back packs. How ridiculous is that. I asked if I could purchase a Camel Pack backpack, without having to also invest in another bladder (the bladder holds the liquid). Basically he acted as if I were an ass for even asking if that were possible. Seriously, you sell outdoor toys, I’m not asking for the blueprints to the Pentagon. Just say “yes sir,” or “no sir”. And then help me find what I’m seeking for. After I was assertive and gave him a friendly slap on the back he settled down and helped. I’m hoping he was just having a bad day and this wasn’t par for course.
Second, my 160 GB iPod Classic has been getting really hot and the dock connector, and output jack have been malfunctioning. Only if headphones are used will the output jack even work. Plus it’s frozen a number of times recently and it’s only a 1 ½ year old iPod.
At the store you would have thought I told them I was going to grip their sister like a bowling ball and cheat on her with their mother. Dad filming obviously.
They said, “That’s strange, we don’t usually get this. It’s acting on the fritz that much?” I had to say “Are you being sarcastic?” Apple, “No, this usually never happens. It’s over heating?” Me, “I looked online and apparently this happens all the time. It’s the biggest malfunction of iPods. I now two people who have come here in the past couple weeks with the same issue and discussion boards all over the internet have the same issue.”
Then I was told I would have to wait over an hour to speak with someone who could fix my iPod because of the line ahead of me for the IT guy… and they’ve never heard of this??? Funny…
So in my wait, I decided I would try the new B.Good eatery that opened in the same Derby Street Shoppes. B.Good slings grass-fed burgers at a reasonable cost (about $6.50 – $9). I ordered the West Side: avocado, tomato, salsa, burger, on a toasted wheat bun.
Basically it’s a 458 calorie burger but I would assume it’s a bit more. There was so much salsa or avocado on my burger that my tomato slices slid out with each bite and the salsa dripped out everywhere.
None the less it was tasty.
I did order it medium rare and it was cooked medium, but I did enjoy it.
But something I took away from this experience at B.Good is be careful what you order. Even though they tout being healthy and nutritious, which some of their menu is, like every other establishment you could get fat here.
If I ordered like a normal person, more than just a burger (i.e. fries, drink, etc.) I could have easily had over a 1,000 calorie meal. The 24 oz milkshake is over 1,000 calories and the fries I believe around 300. So you have to be careful.
I definitely recommend trying the eatery but beware what you order. Maybe go with a friend and split a burger and fries and drink. That way you can still sample the menu and not demise your fat loss efforts.
Every calorie counts. Even if it’s dense nutrition over indulgence will certainly show itself on your hips, waistline and butt.
As for my iPod, I’m about to find out in a few minutes.
I’m typing this blog post atop the hood of my car, at the back of the parking lot near the Summer Shack and Barnes & Noble. Love Wi-Fi 🙂
Stay tuned for results!
And live the dream,
Marshfield health and fitness resouce for the south shore.