Metro Dash Boston 2010
So about two weeks ago I received an email from Sean, the Director of Metro Dash. He asked if I would be interested in entering his race.
Now being in my fortunate position I get alot of these from different race directors and event holders. Between fundraisers, charity runs, fitness product suppliers, and so on and so forth. So every time I’m a bit skeptical of an event legitimacy.
But after checking Metro Dash out I decided I will be entering the 2010 Boston event on August 7th in South Boston.
Below is a picture of the flyer.
It should be a 10k (6.2 miles) with interval workouts intermixed at scattered physical challenge points. And fancies something rather cool called The Gauntlet: an extreme urban obstacle course.
I’m actually pretty excited about this race. Not as much as I was for Death Race but still ambitious.
This is the email I received from Sean:
Hi Rob,
I am the race director for Metro Dash which is an insane 10k urban obstacle course. Metro Dash will be crushing souls in Boston on 8/7/10. The event was specifically designed for CrossFit, boot camp, and other similar style functional training gyms. Metro Dash is the ultimate test of athleticism. Competitors run city streets in search of scattered physical challenge points, power through intense interval workouts, and conquer “The Gauntlet,” our extreme urban obstacle course. I have no doubt that your clients would be very interested in this event. Registration is currently open and is capped at 200 athletes. We also give competitors the option to fundraise for the Navy SEAL Warrior Fund in exchange for a discounted registration.
Please check out for more information about the event as well as specific information for Boston. I have also attached a flyer to this email if you would like to print it out and share it with your gym clients. We offer a great race and rely on word of mouth marketing to get the word out about Metro Dash, so any assistance you could provide would be greatly appreciated.
If you have any questions please feel free to email me.
That being said I’m entering.
If I like it you’ll know about it and so will my Marshfield fitness studio clients at Robert Belley Fitness.
I’ll keep you posted to my experience 😉
Till then, stay cool, and stay dry,
And live the dream.
CANDWICH… Goodbye Beach Abs Marshfield, Hello Cellulite Thighs
There is another sign the Apocalypse is upon us…
Due out later this year in US convenience stores. It triumphs in peanut butter and jelly (strawberry or grape), BBQ something and may come with a candy surprise in the can too!!
No idea of its nutritional quality yet but I’m sure it’ll be adding fat to hips and going straight to the cellulite of the bum.
And I’m not so sure a sandwich from a can will be tasty. As much as I’d hate to admit it, I’d rather eat a Double Down from KFC or maybe something from Fear Factor. At least I’d be assured of getting something fresher.
So which flavor would you rock first Marshfield?
I love the taste of aluminum.
And imagine the candy surprise inside??
I miss Cracker Jacks and old school cereal boxes. This could seriously fill a void from my adolescence that Cosby Show reruns and Sam Malone one night stands haven’t.
But if the prize sucks at least we still have fortune cookies 🙂
Always a bright side!
Hey, eat a sandwich kid.
But don’t forget your 7-Eleven coffee corn dog that squirts from a Reddi Whip aerosol can. It’s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ delicious.
Live the dream street meat lovers 😉
PS – Please do not feed this to your kids. I would never watch an animal eat this yet alone a growing, developing human being.
Marshfield fitness at Robert Belley Fitness. A great place to work off CANDWICHes
SALT – Angelina Jolie’s Fitness

If you haven’t seen the movie SALT yet I highly recommend it.
Angeline Jolie (35), i.e. Evelyn Salt, does an amazing job with the characters level of fitness and combative skills.
The role was originally intended for Tom Cruise, but after Tom backed out of the project, the script was rewritten to fit Angelina Jolie. Brilliant choice. She totally nailed it.
“I’ve always been kind of slight, but I’ve always loved to run and jump around and be physical, so action roles are not a huge challenge for me,” Jolie said at a recent press junket. “I enjoy them.”
To become a relentless action star she trained within two-hour sessions, five days a week. Her trainers used strength and fight training to prepare for the physical demands of the stunts involving safety cables and wire rigs.
“I got really lucky early in my career that I got offered roles where I could train for fighting,” she says.
I also wouldn’t be surprised if her training involved plyometrics (quick ballistic bodyweight activities) as well as low rep weights and a mix of interval training.
I also discovered she ate a 70% carbohydrate rich diet pre-filming. Once filming ensued she lowered to a 60% carb intake and her training also cut back to four weekly sessions over lunch breaks and weekends.
“The physicality had to change,” she says. “I’m smaller than everybody, so how do I go up against a bunch of men without looking silly? How do I fight?”
Angelina added “We made her meaner than a guy, and dirty. She uses the walls, the fact that she’s lighter and can throw herself around. It’s the Chihuahua up against the big dogs.”
For a woman with 6 kids and a super fit husband she recently told OK! Magazine “I love martial arts. They are ideal for children because they teach them discipline and perseverance. My son [Maddox, 8] is already starting to go to class.”

Marshfield fitness trainer Robert Belley of Robert Belley Fitness has recently been honored with a blog over at 93.7 MIKE FM, Boston radio. Look for his blog to begin this week.
Death Race
June 2009… Decided to enter Death Race 2010.
Fall 2009 – Spring 2010… Trained with Purpose. Ridiculous Purpose
June 25, 2010… Created a nutrition strategy to work brilliantly on June 26, 2010 (Death Race day)
June 25, 2010… Death Race coordinators threw us a surprise event. 9 hours early.
June 25-26, 2010… I reached a level of dehydration so severe it took me until 2 days ago to finally recover (15 days).
June 26, 2010… After numerous attempts to quit due to severity of dehydration my alpha Mike Signori wouldn’t let me quit.
June 26, 2010… After 25 hours and 34 minutes of the coolest mayhem I’ve encountered to date I officially reached my “time of death” at 8:34 p.m. on Saturday night.
June 27, 2010… I decide to enter Death Race 2011. This time understanding they may make us start earlier thus my nutritional strategy will reflect a practical approach.
My nutritional strategy completely backfired, thus resulting in a dehydration issue which led to a failed finish. But a remarkable experience.
Summer 2010… Training with a greater purpose 😉
Link to short video of this years race…
Robert Belley